by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - to Vashnal

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanks the Indochinese Intelligence Agency's quick and efficient work. There is no doubt in any of our minds that relations between the two peoples will not be tarnished by such a move, and the FEUSSR will continue to resolutely support her comrade's efforts to seek justice.

We thank the Indochinese side once more. May Asian unity prosper in such troubling times.


Vashnal wrote:Broadcast from the IIA

"The following is an update for the election incident that has occurred in our Unitary State. It has been proven that the FEUSSR has not interfered with our elections. However, we do not know who or what caused the interference. While the Hellenic League is our number one suspect once again, other nations, that will not be mentioned, are still in question. I ask, as Director of the Indochinese Intelligence Agency, that the lies against the FEUSSR be stopped at once. Do not direct your anger against an ally of ours. They have no reason to interfere with our sovereignty. The IIA will keep the citizenry of Indochina up to date as we learn more. It is in the best interests of the Indochinese people. Director Rajini Chan'ocha."

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Public Communique

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the following televised statement with Revolutionary Marshal Chae Kum-sok, to discuss the recent findings of the IIA.

The statement is as follows:

    "Investigations by the Indochinese Intelligence Service have proven conclusively that the FEUSSR is not complicit, nor is it responsible, for the recent incidents surrounding foreign, unwanted electoral interference in Vashnal. As such, we wish to resolutely appraise our comrades in the Southeast for their brilliant work in unveiling the work of foreign spies, wreckers, and saboteurs who prowl around as predators in Asia's sacred soil.

    We condemn the recent imposition of sanctions on the FEUSSR's leadership by Imperial Eagle. This is no more than another attempt by a white nation to twist the narrative into their favour, demand concessions, and pressure our peoples into submission. The American way of punishment is based on groundless, baseless accusations. The US' quick, eager belief in lies that undermine our integrity is a reason of concern.

    As I have said before, 'those who have taken unjustified punitive action against the FEUSSR will face harsh consequences.' This will include the US, the countermeasures of which will be unveiled at our discretion upon consultation with various stakeholders involved. For the time being, we demand the immediate repudiation of all sanctions, on the basis that they are built on lies. We also call for a public apology by relevant officials, for the failure of the American government to do its due diligence when dealing with such important matters.

    With The hellenes league being the number one suspect in this case, prior attempts by the Office of the Archon to discredit and slander the nation will be assessed, and a relevant course of action to be decided. Statements of concern coming from the Hellenic side, which seek to attack the integrity of both Indochina and the FEUSSR based on subjective conjecture, point to two possible outcomes. Either: the Hellenic side is responsible and aims to silence the truth by maliciously deceiving the world, or the Hellenic side is ignorant of the current circumstances. Neither outcome is desirable.

    Should it be shown that the Hellenic nation is responsible for the gross disrespect of Indochinese sovereignty, we have no doubt that the Asian Union will seek the relevant countermeasures to defend their own interests.

    The FEUSSR has the highest degree of respect for the democratic institutions of the world. The FEUSSR is run on the basis of New Democracy, wherein a system of Soviets, from the national, down to the provincial, county, district and township levels, elect their respective governmental bodies and rule the country by law. Under the spirit of New Democracy, the FEUSSR operates on universal and equal suffrage, irrespective of sex, creed, property, or education, as per the system of democratic centralism, as a means to express the will of all the revolutionary people and defend their integrity.

    However, the events that have transpired over the past several days has left the FEUSSR concerned for its wellbeing. Our peoples have experienced many storms, many of which were exported by foreign entities. The FEUSSR was sanctioned by the UKOB and Romanovskaya for administering justice against criminal cultists, condemned for being a country that 'imposes' some fictional will on others, and now blamed and scapegoated for something it is not responsible for. It will not be long before they rock up with gunboats, like in 1839, to cause trouble.

    The FEUSSR can no longer look to the outer world for friendliness or cooperation. Nations of the International Cooperation Council pledge worldwide collaboration, yet take the time to stab holes at us at every turn. We now must look inwards, at our own peoples, and at those who we can trust. To stand up to foreign bullies who are unwilling to see things from our perspective, unwilling to empathise with our people and the hardships they have went through, is a must. They do not know why we do the things we do. And that is their mistake.

    There can be no more days of peace for our people. If the world is out to stab us, we must arm us so we can stab back. We have endured injustice after injustice for long enough.

    Long Live Asian Unity!"
