by Max Barry

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Region: Lazarus

Arclandia wrote:There is a difference between the percentage odds something could happen and the rate of frequency in which it actually happens. The difference lies in throughput, and in throughput, the offspring of closely genetically linked relatives are nearly guaranteed to have at least a light learning disability if not more pronounced defects otherwise. As love is love, kissing cousins who seek life-long romance with each other should get sterilized to avoid creating such offspring and then adopt if they want kids. In that way, they avoid creating a burden for the state and then relieve the state further by adopting. There would be cultural ramifications, but that's for the families (family? 😂) of the spouses to sort out. A little education and some scientific advancement would do a lot to help kissing cousins.

Good god m8! That's some Nazisque bullshit right there. The state should have no say in who can and cannot breed.

Free market buisnesses, Arclandia, and Moaning Lisa
