by Max Barry

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Region: the South Pacific

Curly:"Hey Moe, we got illegal silliness cornered!"

Larry:"Because we got the 730th largest black market in the SP today?"

Curly:"Why, cointnee not! I thought we won for largest black magic markers!!!”

Curly pulls out a large marker and paints a mustache on Larry’s forehead.

Curly: “La leeee, la la leeeee…nyuck nyuck nyuck!!!!”

Larry: “Hey! Cut that out!!”

Larry grabs the marker and breaks it in half. Crack!!

Curly: “Why youuuuuuuu!!!!”

Curly reaches into his pocket and pulls out an even bigger marker.

Curly: “Think you can stop me?!?!? No way!!”

Moe steps in and grabs the marker.


Curly:"Moe, don't....!"

Moe breaks the marker over Curly’s head. Bang! Splap!!! Curly is coverd in black ink

Curly: “Moe, you know darn well that blackface is politically incorrect in this day and age!!!!!!!!!!!”

Curly now pulls out a huge magic marker.

Curly: “So there!!!!! With this I can be an artist, just like dad! Why he drew 30 years with one stroke of the pen!!!! Nyuck nyuck nyuck!!!!!!!”

Moe: “Ohhhhhhhh, a smart guy, ehhhhh?!?”

Moe grabs the huge marker and closes in on Curly….

Curly: “Moe don’t!!!!”

