by Max Barry

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Region: The Free Nations Region

New Lizhou wrote:Hello!
I am New Lizhou, and I’m the masters member of The Free Nations!

My nation is based in present-day Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Hainan which makes me lucky China (at least, the PRC) doesn’t exist 200 years from now (when my nation does) because if they did I would be obliterated in a matter of minutes.

You’ll notice that our policies are aimed to provide as many liberties and possible to individuals, but we are sceptical of corporations and the tax rate is very high. In addition to this, employment is at al all-time low, so I need to work to fix those problems. We also highly value environmental responsibility. We used to have a space program but scrapped it after we realised it simply wasn’t worth it, and we put majority of the money that would’ve gone into space into taking care of our land instead.
We have almost no military, and almost always settle disputes diplomatically, because it’s one thing to say war is stupid and another thing to act on it.

Also, if you ever visit, don’t be surprised to see naked people walking around.

Personally, I’m based in Hong Kong (I rather not talk about what’s going on here) and I like trains (asdfmovie fans?), music, minecraft, and not dying.

I’m excited to start a new life here in the Free Nations!

Gullyslanarmaing wrote:Hey everyone, just joined - reading up on all the dispatches atm. If you want to contact me and I'm not around here, there's a good chance I'm online on Discord so try there. Pleasure meeting you all!

Arbuza wrote:Hi, I just joined TFNR, one of the things which inspired me to move here is the lovely map. Although I am not ready at this time to commit to RP.

I have a general idea as to what my nation is supposed be, a liberal democracy with a good balance between political, personal and economical freedom. I'm still exploring where I want to go with this nation especially culturally.

As for me, I'm based in Norway and my interests include cars and motor sports (Formula 1!), playing GTA Online on Xbox, and traveling which sadly I have limited opportunities to do right now.

Thanks for having me, and I'm looking forward to playing with you all.

Glad to see all you new members joining FNR. If you need any help feel free to contact me here via telegram or in discord by DMing or pinging me.

New Lizhou, Burgerking, Gufand, and Gullyslanarmaing
