by Max Barry

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Region: The Western Isles

Menna shuli wrote:If I were to run the occassional discord-based DnD (or other tabletop) game, would anyone be interested in participating? It wouldn't necessarily be consistent, so I was thinking I'd run Monster of the Week, which is a super easy game to pick-up and learn and can be run in fairly quick sessions.

Athara magarat wrote:Count me in, senor.

Just to note, my concept at the moment would be something very Buffy the Vampire Slayer-esque: high school students in a small town fighting various monsters and cryptids. Monster of the Week is a game very heavily focused on improv and roleplay over combat, with investigating the monster and discovering clues about it a critical component. The GM (or Keeper) is way less of a world-builder than in a lot of other games, because the intention is that the players help define the world: the Keeper lays out the map but leaves blanks the players can fill. For example, if the players are deciding where to face the monster for the final showdown, they might decide that the best way of handling it is to corner it in a synagogue because it turns out that it is weakened by holy symbols that existed when it was "born" and it is older than Christianity. So the players say "Oh, I know! The old synagogue on Elm St. which was abandoned when the new one was built five years ago!" That synagogue is a player invention filled by the need of the story. Players can also create NPCs and whatnot based on what their characters would know. So instead of a player asking "is there a pharmacist in town?" they might say "Johnny actually knows the pharmacist, Mr. Brown, because that's where Johnny goes to pick up his lithium prescription". It's a neat system, very fluid.

Athara magarat and Belle ilse en terre
