by Max Barry

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«12. . .29,07929,08029,08129,08229,08329,08429,085. . .44,54744,548»

Post by Nightsfire suppressed by a moderator.

Post self-deleted by Commune of Australasia.

Post self-deleted by The rebel spy battalion.

True Europa State wrote:Guys i am in pure rage right now. A friend told me stuff about my IT thing, and boy am i pissed as hell. In IT, we are supposed to make a python program for 3 things you can choose. Either a calculator, quiz game, or graphical game. The calculator is beginner level, quiz game is intermediate, and graphical game is expert. I chose to make a calculator, because its the easiest. I worked about a week on it, fully completing the code, as you know.

BUT, my friend told me that she will grade our projects based off of the level we chose. If we chose beginner level, low grades, intermediate level is medium grades, and expert level is high grades. I did my entire thing at beginner level, so i will apparently get bad grades. This is where the problem begins. I was literally about 1-2 hours worth of work away from completing it, so now i have to scrap EVERYTHING i did, and restart it. I have to restart the worksheet based off of intermediate level, AND I HAVE TO MAKE AN ENTIRELY NEW CODE, IN 4 DAYS.

I have a headache, i'm shaking with fury, and I have 3 days and an evening to complete this. Nobody can help me now.

Oh men, good luck 😅

Bunnies, True Europa State, and The second rebel spy battalion

The rebel spy battalion wrote:Hello there

Wait are you a bunch of Bothans??

The rebel spy battalion and The second rebel spy battalion

Post by The rebel spy battalion suppressed by a moderator.

Commune of Australasia wrote:It was a joke mate

It didn't seem like one in the slightest

Elixandropolis wrote:Oh men, good luck 😅

Thank you comrade

Bunnies and Elixandropolis

Post by Gideons imperial remnant suppressed by a moderator.

True Europa State wrote:I was literally about 1-2 hours worth of work away from completing it, so now i have to scrap EVERYTHING i did, and restart it. I have to restart the worksheet based off of intermediate level, AND I HAVE TO MAKE AN ENTIRELY NEW CODE, IN 4 DAYS.

Do you have to? Can’t you use that base code in the graphical game or something? Like one of those math games that tries to hide the fact you’re learning with pretty pictures
Teachers love those games.

Bunnies wrote:Do you have to? Can’t you use that base code in the graphical game or something? Like one of those math games that tries to hide the fact you’re learning with pretty pictures
Teachers love those games.

print("Hello! Welcome to TES's Geometry Calculator!")
print("Please choose one of these options")

A = print("A = Square/Rectangle")
B = print("B = Triangle")
C = print("C = Circle")
D = print("D = Cube")
E = print("E = Cuboid")
F = print("F = Pyramid")
G = print("G = Sphere")
H = print("Press 'H' to quit the program")

selected_shape = input("Choose one of the letters: ")

if selected_shape == "A":
print("You chose a Square/Rectangle")
side1 = int(input("Please enter one length of the square: "))
Area = (side1*side1)
Perimeter = (side1*4)
print("Area: ", Area)
print("Perimeter: ", Perimeter)

if selected_shape == "B":
print("You chose a Triangle")
height = int(input("Please enter the height of the triangle: "))
base = int(input("Please enter the base of the triangle: "))
sidet1 = int(input("Please enter the first side of the triangle: "))
sidet2 = int(input("Please enter the second side of the triangle: "))
sidet3 = int(input("Please enter the third side of the triangle: "))
print("Area: ", (height*base)/2)
print("Perimeter: ", (sidet1+sidet2+sidet3))

if selected_shape == "C":
print("You chose a Circle")
radius = int(input("Please enter the radius of the circle: "))
print("Area: ", 3.141*(radius**2))
print("Circumference: ", 2*(3.141*radius))

if selected_shape == "D":
print("You chose a Cube")
length = int(input("Please enter the length of the Cube: "))
width = int(input("Please enter the width of the Cube: "))
heightcube = int(input("Please enter the height of the Cube: "))
print("Volume: ", (width*length)*heightcube)
print("Surface Area: ", 6*(length**2))

if selected_shape == "E":
print("You chose a Cuboid")
lengthcuboid = int(input("Please enter the length of the Cube: "))
widthcuboid = int(input("Please enter the width of the Cube: "))
heightcuboid = int(input("Please enter the height of the Cube: "))
print("Volume: ", (widthcuboid*lengthcuboid)*heightcuboid)
print("Surface Area: ", (2*lengthcuboid*widthcuboid)+(2*lengthcuboid*heightcuboid)+(2*widthcuboid*heightcuboid))

if selected_shape == "F":
print("You chose a Pyramid")
baselength = int(input("Please enter the length of the base: "))
basewidth = int(input("Please enter the length of the base: "))
pyramidheight = int(input("Please enter the height of the pyramid: "))
print("Volume: ", (baselength*basewidth*pyramidheight)/3)

if selected_shape == "G":
print("You chose a Sphere")
sphereradius = int(input("Please enter the radius of the sphere: "))
print("Volume: ", 4/3*(3.141*(sphereradius**3)))
print("Surface Area: ", 4*(3.141*(sphereradius**2)))

if selected_shape == "H":

You can use this code at

from tkinter import *
import tkinter as TK
import turtle as tr
from tkinter.ttk import *
from time import strftime
import time

def helloCallBack():
TK.messagebox.showinfo( "This is my Clock!", str(strftime('%H:%M:%S %p')))

def window():
root = TK.Tk()
root.title("Time Button")
b1 = TK.Button(root, text = "Click to see the Time!", command = helloCallBack), y=50)

def time():
string = strftime('%H:%M:%S %p')
lbl.config(text = string)
lbl.after(1000, time)

# Styling the label widget so that clock
# will look more attractive
lbl = Label(root, font = ('calibri', 40, 'bold'),
background = 'purple',
foreground = 'white')

# Placing clock at the centre
# of the tkinter window
lbl.pack(anchor = 'center')


from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk

root = Tk()

text = Label(root, text='Difficulty Selection', font = "40")

Checkbutton1 = IntVar()
Checkbutton2 = IntVar()
Checkbutton3 = IntVar()

l=tk.Label(root, bg='white', width=20,text='empty')

One = Checkbutton(root, text = "Easy",
variable = Checkbutton1,
onvalue = 1,
offvalue = 0,
height = 5,
width = 10)

Two = Checkbutton(root, text = "Medium",
variable = Checkbutton2,
onvalue = 1,
offvalue = 0,
height = 5,
width = 10)

Three = Checkbutton(root, text = "Hard",
variable = Checkbutton3,
onvalue = 1,
offvalue = 0,
height = 5,
width = 10)

def print_selection():
if(One.get() == 1)&(Two.get()==0)&(Three.get()==0):
l.config(text='You chose Easy')
l.config(text='You chose Medium')
l.config(text='You chose Hard')
l.config(text='No choice selected yet')

One = tk.IntVar()
Two = tk.IntVar()
Three = tk.IntVar()
c1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text='Easy',variable=One, onvalue=1,offvalue=0, command=print_selection)
c2 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text='Medium',variable=Two, onvalue=1,offvalue=0, command=print_selection)
c3 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text='Hard',variable=Three, onvalue=1,offvalue=0, command=print_selection)



import tkinter as tk
import random as rand

window = tk.Tk()

var = tk.StringVar()
radio = tk.IntVar()

frame1 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame2 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame3 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame4 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame5 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame6 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame6 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame7 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame8 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame9 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)

canvas1 = tk.Canvas(frame1,width=800,height=500,bg='cyan')
canvas2 = tk.Canvas(frame2,width=800,height=500,bg='cyan')
canvas3 = tk.Canvas(frame3,width=800,height=500,bg='cyan')
canvas4 = tk.Canvas(frame4,width=800,height=500,bg='sky blue')
canvas5 = tk.Canvas(frame5,width=800,height=500,bg='coral')
canvas6 = tk.Canvas(frame6,width=800,height=500,bg='azure')
canvas7 = tk.Canvas(frame7,width=800,height=500,bg='spring green')
canvas8 = tk.Canvas(frame8,width=800,height=500,bg='gold')
canvas9 = tk.Canvas(frame9,width=800,height=500,bg='purple')

lbl = tk.Label(window, bg='red', width=20, height=1,font=("Purisa",15),fg="yellow", relief="sunken", text='empty')
lvl1_btn = tk.Button(canvas3,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,state=tk.DISABLED).place(x = 200, y = 400)
lvl2_btn = tk.Button(canvas4,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,state=tk.DISABLED).place(x = 200, y = 400)
count_lvl = [0,0,0,0,0,0]

def questions_level_1():
q = ["Q: What is the square root of 64 plus the square root of 49?","Q: Can energy be created or destroyed?","Q: What is the gradient of a line on a graph?","Q: What is a cell?","Q: What equation is linked to the Pythagorean Theorem?"]
x = rand.randint(0,4)
return q[x]

def print_selection():
l = tk.Label(window, bg='white', width=20, text='empty'),y=350)
l.config(text='you have selected ' + var.get())
def enable_button():
if(radio.get() == 0):
# Btn = tk.Button(canvas3,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: level_2(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400)
def show_frame_2():

def finish(s):
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_6 options
global count_lvl

if(AA[s] == var.get()):
text_q = tk.Label(canvas9, text="GAME FINISHED",font=("Helvetica", 30),bg='purple'),y=90)

count_lvl[5] = count_lvl[5] + 1

def level_6(s):
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_5 options
global count_lvl
def enable():
if(var.get() == "A" or var.get() == "B" or var.get() == "C" or var.get() == "D"):
lvl6_btn = tk.Button(canvas8,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: finish(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400),y=0)
lbl.config(text='You have selected ' + var.get())

if(AA[s] == var.get()):

q = ["Q: What was Russia called after the Russian Empire?","Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?","Q: When was the first tank used?","Q: What is the fear of spiders called?","Q: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2?"] # Change this
x = rand.randint(0,4)
level_6_txt = tk.Label(canvas8, text="Level Six",font=("Times New Roman", 18),bg='gold')
text_q = tk.Label(canvas8, text=q[x],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='gold')
A = [["A: Russia","B: Russian Federation","C: Socialist Russia","D: USSR"],["A: Leonardo Da Caprio","B: Leonardo Da Vinci", "C: Leonardo Da Vinki", "D: Leonardo De Vinki"],["A: 1916", "B: 1914", "C: 1915", "D: 1815"],["A: Afraid-Of-Spiders-Phobia", "B: Arachnophobia", "C: No-Like-Spiders", "D: Arachnatoidophobia"],["A: Winston Churchhill","B: Winston Church","C: Neville Chaimberlain","D: Neville Churchhill"]] # Change this
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_6 options,y=90),y=0)

r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='gold', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='gold', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text=A[x][2], variable=var, value='C', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='gold', command=enable).place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text=A[x][3], variable=var, value='D', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='gold', command=enable).place(x=100,y=300)

lvl6_btn = tk.Button(canvas8,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: finish(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400)

count_lvl[4] = count_lvl[4] + 1
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text="").place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text="").place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text="").place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas8, text="").place(x=100,y=300)

def level_5(s):
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_4 options
global count_lvl
def enable():
if(var.get() == "A" or var.get() == "B" or var.get() == "C" or var.get() == "D"):
lvl5_btn = tk.Button(canvas7,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: level_6(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400),y=0)
lbl.config(text='You have selected ' + var.get())

if (AA[s] == var.get()):

q = ["Q: What was Russia called after the Russian Empire?","Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?","Q: When was the first tank used?","Q: What is the fear of spiders called?","Q: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2?"] # Change this
x = rand.randint(0,4)
level_5_txt = tk.Label(canvas7, text="Level Five",font=("Times New Roman", 18),bg='spring green')
text_q = tk.Label(canvas7, text=q[x],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='spring green')
A = [["A: Russia","B: Russian Federation","C: Socialist Russia","D: USSR"],["A: Leonardo Da Caprio","B: Leonardo Da Vinci", "C: Leonardo Da Vinki", "D: Leonardo De Vinki"],["A: 1916", "B: 1914", "C: 1915", "D: 1815"],["A: Afraid-Of-Spiders-Phobia", "B: Arachnophobia", "C: No-Like-Spiders", "D: Arachnatoidophobia"],["A: Winston Churchhill","B: Winston Church","C: Neville Chaimberlain","D: Neville Churchhill"]] # Change this
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_5 options,y=90),y=0)

r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='spring green', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='spring green', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text=A[x][2], variable=var, value='C', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='spring green', command=enable).place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text=A[x][3], variable=var, value='D', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='spring green', command=enable).place(x=100,y=300)

lvl5_btn = tk.Button(canvas7,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=lambda: level_6(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400)

count_lvl[3] = count_lvl[3] + 1
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text="").place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text="").place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text="").place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas7, text="").place(x=100,y=300)

def level_4(s):
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_3 options
global count_lvl
def enable():
if(var.get() == "A" or var.get() == "B" or var.get() == "C" or var.get() == "D"):
lvl4_btn = tk.Button(canvas6,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: level_5(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400),y=0)
lbl.config(text='You have selected ' + var.get())

if (AA[s] == var.get()):

q = ["Q: What was Russia called after the Russian Empire?","Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?","Q: When was the first tank used?","Q: What is the fear of spiders called?","Q: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2?"] # Change this
x = rand.randint(0,4)
level_4_txt = tk.Label(canvas6, text="Level Four",font=("Times New Roman", 18),bg='azure')
text_q = tk.Label(canvas6, text=q[x],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='azure')
A = [["A: Russia","B: Russian Federation","C: Socialist Russia","D: USSR"],["A: Leonardo Da Caprio","B: Leonardo Da Vinci", "C: Leonardo Da Vinki", "D: Leonardo De Vinki"],["A: 1916", "B: 1914", "C: 1915", "D: 1815"],["A: Afraid-Of-Spiders-Phobia", "B: Arachnophobia", "C: No-Like-Spiders", "D: Arachnatoidophobia"],["A: Winston Churchhill","B: Winston Church","C: Neville Chaimberlain","D: Neville Churchhill"]] # Change this
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_4 options,y=90),y=0)

r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='azure', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='azure', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text=A[x][2], variable=var, value='C', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='azure', command=enable).place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text=A[x][3], variable=var, value='D', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='azure', command=enable).place(x=100,y=300)

lvl4_btn = tk.Button(canvas6,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=lambda: level_5(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400)

count_lvl[2] = count_lvl[2] + 1
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text="").place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text="").place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text="").place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas6, text="").place(x=100,y=300)

def level_3(s):
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_2 options
global count_lvl
def enable():
if(var.get() == "A" or var.get() == "B" or var.get() == "C" or var.get() == "D"):
lvl3_btn = tk.Button(canvas5,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: level_4(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400),y=0)
lbl.config(text='You have selected ' + var.get())

if (AA[s] == var.get()):

q = ["Q: What was Russia called after the Russian Empire?","Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?","Q: When was the first tank used?","Q: What is the fear of spiders called?","Q: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2?"] # Change this
x = rand.randint(0,4)
level_3_txt = tk.Label(canvas5, text="Level Three",font=("Times New Roman", 18),bg='coral')
text_q = tk.Label(canvas5, text=q[x],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='coral')
A = [["A: Russia","B: Russian Federation","C: Socialist Russia","D: USSR"],["A: Leonardo Da Caprio","B: Leonardo Da Vinci", "C: Leonardo Da Vinki", "D: Leonardo De Vinki"],["A: 1916", "B: 1914", "C: 1915", "D: 1815"],["A: Afraid-Of-Spiders-Phobia", "B: Arachnophobia", "C: No-Like-Spiders", "D: Arachnatoidophobia"],["A: Winston Churchhill","B: Winston Church","C: Neville Chaimberlain","D: Neville Churchhill"]] # Change this
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Change this to Level_3 options,y=90),y=0)

r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='coral', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='coral', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text=A[x][2], variable=var, value='C', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='coral', command=enable).place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text=A[x][3], variable=var, value='D', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='coral', command=enable).place(x=100,y=300)

lvl3_btn = tk.Button(canvas5,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=lambda: level_4(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400)

count_lvl[1] = count_lvl[1] + 1
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text="").place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text="").place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text="").place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas5, text="").place(x=100,y=300)

def level_2(s):
global count_lvl
AA = ["A","B","D","A","B"] # Level_1 options
def enable():
if(var.get() == "A" or var.get() == "B" or var.get() == "C" or var.get() == "D"):
lvl2_btn = tk.Button(canvas4,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: level_3(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400),y=0)
lbl.config(text='You have selected ' + var.get())

if (AA[s] == var.get()):

q = ["Q: What was Russia called after the Russian Empire?","Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?","Q: When was the first tank used?","Q: What is the fear of spiders called?","Q: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WW2?"]
x = rand.randint(0,4)
level_2_txt = tk.Label(canvas4, text="Level Two",font=("Times New Roman", 18),bg='sky blue')
text_q = tk.Label(canvas4, text=q[x],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='sky blue')
A = [["A: Russia","B: Russian Federation","C: Socialist Russia","D: USSR"],["A: Leonardo Da Caprio","B: Leonardo Da Vinci", "C: Leonardo Da Vinki", "D: Leonardo De Vinki"],["A: 1916", "B: 1914", "C: 1915", "D: 1815"],["A: Afraid-Of-Spiders-Phobia", "B: Arachnophobia", "C: No-Like-Spiders", "D: Arachnatoidophobia"],["A: Winston Churchhill","B: Winston Church","C: Neville Chaimberlain","D: Neville Churchhill"]]
AA = ["D","B","C","B","A"] # Level_2 options,y=90),y=0)

r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='sky blue', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='sky blue', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text=A[x][2], variable=var, value='C', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='sky blue', command=enable).place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text=A[x][3], variable=var, value='D', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='sky blue', command=enable).place(x=100,y=300)

lvl2_btn = tk.Button(canvas4,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=lambda: level_3(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400)

count_lvl[0] = count_lvl[0] + 1
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text="").place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text="").place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text="").place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas4, text="").place(x=100,y=300)

def load_level_1():
q = ["Q: What is the square root of 64 plus the square root of 49?","Q: Can energy be created or destroyed?","Q: What is the gradient of a line on a graph?","Q: What is a cell?","Q: What equation is linked to the Pythagorean Theorem?"]
x = rand.randint(0,4)
level_1_txt = tk.Label(canvas3, text="Level One",font=("Times New Roman", 18),bg='cyan')
text_q = tk.Label(canvas3, text=q[x],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan')
A = [["A: 15","B: 13","C: 14","D: 16"],["A: Yes","B: No"],["A: The slide", "B: The height", "C: The length", "D: The slope"],["A: A microorganism that provides structure", "B: A prison cell", "C: A cell phone", "D: None of the above"],["A: A squared minus B squared equals C squared ","B: A squared plus B squared equals C squared","C: A squared times B squared equals C squared","D: A squared plus B squared equals C"]]
AA = ["A","B","D","A","B"],y=90),y=0)

def enable():
if(var.get() == "A" or var.get() == "B" or var.get() == "C" or var.get() == "D"):
lvl1_btn = tk.Button(canvas3,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25, command=lambda: level_2(x)).place(x = 200, y = 400),y=0)
lbl.config(text='You have selected ' + var.get())

if (len(A[x]) == 4):
text_A1 = tk.Label(canvas3, text=A[x][0],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan')
text_A2 = tk.Label(canvas3, text=A[x][1],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan')
text_A3 = tk.Label(canvas3, text=A[x][2],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan')
text_A4 = tk.Label(canvas3, text=A[x][3],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan'),y=150),y=200),y=250),y=300)
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas3, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas3, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)
r3 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas3, text=A[x][2], variable=var, value='C', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan', command=enable).place(x=100,y=250)
r4 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas3, text=A[x][3], variable=var, value='D', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan', command=enable).place(x=100,y=300)

text_A1 = tk.Label(canvas3, text=A[x][0],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan')
text_A2 = tk.Label(canvas3, text=A[x][1],font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan'),y=150),y=200)
r1 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas3, text=A[x][0], variable=var, value='A', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan', command=enable).place(x=100,y=150)
r2 = tk.Radiobutton(canvas3, text=A[x][1], variable=var, value='B', font=("Helvetica", 18),bg='cyan', command=enable).place(x=100,y=200)

# Btn = tk.Button(canvas3,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,state=tk.DISABLED).place(x = 200, y = 400)

def show_load():
def show_help():
frame1 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame2 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame3 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame4 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame5 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame6 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame6 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame7 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)
frame8 = tk.Frame(window, width=800, height=500)

canvas1 = tk.Canvas(frame1,width=800,height=500,bg='cyan')
canvas2 = tk.Canvas(frame2,width=800,height=500,bg='cyan')
canvas3 = tk.Canvas(frame3,width=800,height=500,bg='cyan')
#Btn = tk.Button(canvas3,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,state=tk.DISABLED).place(x = 200, y = 400)
canvas4 = tk.Canvas(frame4,width=800,height=500,bg='sky blue')
canvas5 = tk.Canvas(frame5,width=800,height=500,bg='coral')
canvas6 = tk.Canvas(frame6,width=800,height=500,bg='azure')
canvas7 = tk.Canvas(frame7,width=800,height=500,bg='spring green')
canvas8 = tk.Canvas(frame8,width=800,height=500,bg='gold')

# ----------------------- User Name input Window ------------------------------------------

lab1 = tk.Entry(canvas2, text = "Username",font=("Purisa",15)).place(x = 240,y = 120,width=410,height=70)
level_1 = tk.Button(canvas2,text="Next",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=load_level_1).place(x = 240, y = 200)

# ----------------------- Main Window ------------------------------------------

canvas1.create_text(120,70,anchor=tk.W,font=("Purisa",50),fill="black",text="Knowledge Masters")
ToMap = tk.Button(canvas1,text="Start",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=show_frame_2) = 200, y = 150)
Quit = tk.Button(canvas1,text="Quit",font=("Purisa",20),width=25,command=quit) = 200, y = 210)
canvas2.create_text(270,70,anchor=tk.W,font=("Purisa",30),fill="black",text="Input the User name")

# ----------------------- Level-one Window ------------------------------------------

Read dispatch

I made a calculator, and i need to make a graphical game


Taureor has inspired me to form the HRE in HOI4 today. I'm going for exact borders too, I can only take the states required to form the HRE.

Accipitridia wrote:Didn't the Viking 2 lander land on Mars in 1975?

That was unmanned.

I was wrong because I misinterpreted the SA levels, but he still will have quite some difficulty getting men onto the moon in his current state.

Cohuila Y Tejas wrote:That was unmanned.

I was wrong because I misinterpreted the SA levels, but he still will have quite some difficulty getting men onto the moon in his current state.

Well, it will be difficult but it is still possible.

Accipitridia wrote:Well, it will be difficult but it is still possible.

Keyword being difficult.

Cohuila Y Tejas wrote:Keyword being difficult.

Either do it with current tech and take a long time to get there, or focus on getting higher tech and get to Mars safer and easier

Accipitridia wrote:Either do it with current tech and take a long time to get there, or focus on getting higher tech and get to Mars safer and easier

Modern tech can't get a man to mars.

The second rebel spy battalion

Post by The second rebel spy battalion suppressed by a moderator.

Cohuila Y Tejas wrote:Modern tech can't get a man to mars.

Yep, true.

Free antarctic army

Gideons imperial remnant wrote:Hi

Hello There

United states of brussia


Free antarctic army and The second rebel spy battalion

Free antarctic army

United states of brussia wrote:hi


Post by The second rebel spy battalion suppressed by a moderator.

Cohuila Y Tejas wrote:Modern tech can't get a man to mars.

Me with basically future tech: :)

Post by The second rebel spy battalion suppressed by a moderator.

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