by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Cccp- wrote:
          ~~ Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности (КГБ) ~~

Topic: Efforts in Canada

Moscow — The Committee for State Security (more often referred to as the KGB) has devised a plan to provide support to President John North of Canada. As a politician friendly to the Soviet Union, the KGB finds it appropriate to lend support that will increases the chances of an electoral win for President North and his political party. The KGB will utilize social media and smaller, regional news outlets to increase positive visibility of President North's party while simultaneously highlighting negative traits of President North's political opponents - with the intention of lowering their elactibility. Additionally, the KGB will begin to spread misinformation and incentivize the spread of negative press towards President North's opposition candidates/political parties. The exploitation of social media, specially leveraging echo chambers, will prove useful as one of the columns to achieve this goal.

As time passes, the Lubyanka will monitor the development of public and political opinion in order to adjust the strategy. In order to avoid scrutiny, the Committee will make use of VPNs and volunteers from other countries in order to carry out the campaign's goals. Finally, the KGB will leverage the resources of the Cyberwarfare Forces to find "dirt" on political opponents that can be disseminated a few weeks before election day in Canada.

Upper and lower canada

Division Internal Memo, Encrypted Message

Have noticed high traffic on social media aimed at increasing positive opinion of President North while decreasing the electability of his opponents. IP traces have shown dummy addresses within Canada, Mexico, the Union and beyond. it is reasonable to conclude given recent overtures by North's government to the Soviet Union that KGB interference is high. Will continue to monitor situation as elections draw closer. Should it be confirmed, request clearance to expose publicly of North's ties to likely KGB action and blackmail.

Encrypted Reply from REDACTED

Permission granted
