by Max Barry

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Region: Africa

Zimbabwe stands by its allies and will join the anti fascist crusade against the regime in New England, in the hopes of restoring democracy in manner that is mutually beneficial to the interests of the people therein and the region's stability.

Fascist and Anti Democratic elements must not be allowed quarter from which to once again usurp and destroy the rule of law as enjoyed by all citizens irrespective of their race, colour, tribal affiliation, and religious confession.

Areas acquired while on the offensive will be placed under civil administration in capable and responsible hands, the Defence Forces and People's Police Force will ensure that the necessary foundations are laid for the restoration of parliamentary democracy preferably along republican lines.

Those affiliated with fascist, national socialist, racialist, or ultraconservative political parties and organisations will have their employment within local bureacracy, law enforcement, and the armed forces discontinued after undergoing an exam and background check which shall ascertain their level of ideological conviction, threat level, and conduct prior to the overthrow of the regime they've served up to this point. If found to be a credible threat, those individuals in question will be summarily and indefinitely detained. War criminals, in areas under occupation, if found will be shot on sight but not before documentation.

We understand that our country's actions may be condemned as being forceful and ideologically motivated, nevertheless when we remember the victims of fascist barbarism we also understand that such actions are noble and worthy of divine providence's vindication.

Death to Fascism, Freedom to The People!
Pembari NeZimbabwe!
