by Max Barry

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Region: Africa

Title: IANS HQ in Construction
Nation(s): United States of Mesothallania
Date: Friday, September 30, 2022 (irl Gregorian Calendar)

The United States of Mesothallania is honored to be the host of the International Assembly of Nation States’ headquarters.

Government planners and officials were already drafting up the designs, plans, contracts, etc. since both New York City and the capital were proposed as potential locations, and with the New York location decided upon, the United States is moving full steam ahead to construct the headquarters as quickly as possible. The headquarters will occupy a site beside the East River between 42nd and 48th Streets, on between seventeen and eighteen acres of land. [OOC: It will be located where the irl United Nations Headquarters is.]

Additionally, recognizing that nations’ diplomatic missions to the IANS HQ will need somewhere to retire while sessions are suspended, the Mesothallanian government is also scouting for and preparing locations where nations may establish consulates, ideally in close proximity to the headquarters.

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