by Max Barry

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Region: New Democratic Union

"That was... strange"
Whispers Victor Ying as he wakes up. Looking to his father's side of the tent he notices an empty bed. Reaching towards his nightstand he grabs a small journal, in which he quickly scribbles down his dream then sets back down. Pushing aside the tent flap he enters a bustling military camp, the flag was set to be raised any minute now. "Victor!" he heard his father's voice "Come, now!" looking to his left his father was beckoning him towards a scouting tower. Climbing the ladder behind his father he enters the upper portion. Passing him a pair of binoculars Lee points out into the nearby city. "See that? That's under Indian control. It's important we pay attention to it. With the recent success of territory to this new government, they've gotten braver and braver. It's likely they'll make a push towards the south any minute now. What I need you to do Is pay attention to the city, then use this radio to contact us if you see any soldiers alright?" Peering through the binoculars, Victor watches as citizens go throughout their everyday life, selling goods, mingling amongst themselves. All innocent. "Got it" he replied.

Back in Padlock Admiral Leviticus Schmidt is walking the streets of the political district with his daughter in toe. "Now Sarah, this may sound dark... but one day, possibly soon, I won't be around anymore... The nation expects you to follow in my footsteps, however, I do not. You can do whatever you'd like in your life, it wouldn't disappoint m-" she cuts him off "What I want to do is lead a fleet, specifically your fleet. If I can even be half a leader you've been i would consider my life complete." Leviticus smiles at his daughter "If that is what you'd like, I will help you every step along the way." Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a small butterfly knife. "My father gave this to me, now I believe its time for me to pass it off to you" Handing it to her she attempts to flip it open and accidentally cuts her hand "Ah! Maybe don't try that immediately" Leviticus says picking the knife up from the sidewalk. Flipping it close he hands it back to her "Practice before you do that next time okay?" Smiling back at him she slides the knife into her pocket "Let's get you patched up, there's a doctor's office down the street here, lets get you patched up"

Elections start in three days, will the current ruling democratic party be ousted? Or will the former empire continue to shrink?
