by Max Barry

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Region: Libertatem

The Commonwealth of Narland

Highway Eighty-Eight wrote:Except Carter wasn’t a senile nearly-80-year old, a complete hypocrite, and not a completely terrible person.

Miri islands wrote:Carter is a good man, he's probably the most productive ex-president ever. His work to eradicate diseases in Africa has been very successful

Rateria wrote:I remember him doing Habitat for Humanity stuff too, but I don’t know if he still does because of his age.

His health is failing. If he does come out into the public limelight, it will probably be for one last hurrah. As a human being his charity is driven by his Leftist perspectives that overpower everything he does. On the individual level, his philanthropy like Habitat for Humanity is excellent and praiseworthy. But his work with Globalist Concerns and furthering UN grip on world charity is unfortunate.

I think Hoover and Jefferson were by far better former presidents. I do have more respect for Carter than I do most of the Leftists of that era. At least Jimmy Carter actually acted on what he believed to be true even though he was wrong. Unlike his contemporaries (e.g., Biden) who were just blowing smoke and hot air up our collective kilts in order to advance acceptance of the administrative state as normative operations through fudding (fear uncertainty doubt); harrowing the American People into Progressivist submission by tax&spend (stimulus), over-regulation/over-reach, and false promises of economic growth through government manipulation if we just give them more power. It's the horrendous 70s all over again.

Miencraft, New tampa, and Miri islands
