by Max Barry

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Region: The LCRUA


My voting recommendation for the at-vote Security Council resolution "Commend Deadeye Jack": FOR FOR FOR!!!

Imagine you're me for a second. You're someone who's always wanted to help out with defending, but you've of never really had a way to do so, since being online for update is hard. TGW has the Guardians, but their activity levels mean they really only exist in name only.

That is, until Jack fixed them.

He made the Guardians function again, giving everyone who didn't have the means to participate in other ways a chance, and making defenders out of them. For this, me and so many others are eternally grateful.

And I'm not just saying I wouldn't be a defender if it weren't for him: I wouldn't even be on NationStates today if it weren't for him, because it was all of those Guardian pings that reminded me that NS existed in the first place.

So maybe you aren't swayed by my personal experiences and how grateful I am. I get it. So, I'll play the sympathy card.

Jack served as the delegate for the Rejected Realms during the Drewpocalypse. All of those spammers and jerks during that time were practically dropped on his doorstep.

Okay, maybe you're a cold-hearted person who prefers the statistics. I get it, I'm a sucker for data myself. Jack's mastery of the art of Google Sheets has revolutionized TGW's recordkeeping. He's meticulously sifted through mission logs and climbed mountains of numbers to create beautifully hand-crafted statistics and data that anyone would be envious of.

And if that doesn't work... then I guess there's no convincing you that Deadeye Jack is one of the most commendable individuals out there who isn't already commended.
