by Max Barry

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Region: New West Indies

Ventus Prime wrote:“Ah yes, about that...we won’t have to worry about Sleipnir anymore...meaning he won’t be a threat. It’s kind of a long story but...I kind of messed with his programming...” A warning suddenly went off in her HUD, informing her due to low battery an emergency shutdown will commence. “And I’m afraid by the time you show up I’ll be asleep...sorry about...” She suddenly slumped over as her body shut down and not for Sinon she would’ve crashed onto the group.

“Wow...she’s actually lighter than I expected...” Sinon commented. “Uh...I hope someone around is good at fixing robots...”

"Wait, really?! You can do that? Man, me and Asuna spent all this time getting my project into the car, and then you go ahead and circumvent the entire issue... wait what do you mean you'll be asleep-"

Whatever her reaction to Penny turning off was, it wouldn't be known until she actually showed up.

Ryanius wrote:"Perhaps. I heard you muttering something about florists during whatever hacking was going on, so maybe that's the career for you, though you might want to lessen the "Distorted Humanoid Robot with tentacles" vibe a bit. And yeah, I suppose I have to stick around and do that. And then probably back to my vacation, I hope, unless there's more of these things around here."

"Called it." Markos says. "Well, Norway probably has good robot mechanics somewhere."

Wait, he heard that? Sleipnir wasn't aware his conversation with Penny had been audible, but the cat was out of the bag now.

"You're right about the scary robot look not being the best. Won't be an issue though, I've got ways of looking less threatening. Something some of us here would be familiar with."

He glanced towards Sinon as he said that last part. Luckily, he didn't need to kill someone in order to don a disguise, and with some effort, he'd be able to make one without even having a person to base it on.

"Anyway, you shouldn't have to worry about your vacation being interrupted again. I'm pretty certain I was the only AI assassin within the Scandinavian peninsula, and I doubt there's anything else that could happen. Can't get much worse than having your vehicle totaled by two robots duking it out nowadays."

The sirens were almost there at this point, and they could already see a few police cars in the distance, rushing to the scene. Time to figure out how severe a crime is if the perpetrator is reprogrammed in the process.
