by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Mr richard nixon wrote:o fu**i wanted to try coyotes


Mr richard nixon wrote:*secret service takes away your flame and pistl

*stabs your back* funny

Mr richard nixon wrote:Im sorry Serkin
;-; ill pay you compensation

Too late

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:Overlord Chuckled. "I will admit, the Kriegskult or whatever they are called have very Impressive weaponry, far more impressive then I would say some of ours are. Of course, there is always something We can bring to our design..." As they head closer to the suit. The suit was large with a Helmet Covered by small cameras rather then a Visor, giving it a Faceless Appearance.
"You will become the first of the Marchogion marwolaeth... The first Death knight."

" Well I would help if he would not try to kill me because of my appearance. Though that's beside the point. Do you, personally, think that Killing my Kind is wrong, Admiral? "

"The first one?! So I'm the first one with this suit?!" Cass asked, excited. She was not longer scared. No longer upset.

"Why of course... Yet I have superiors that I cannot disobey." He said.

Of Centralist Brexit and Yorukitsune
