by Max Barry

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Region: Right to Life

Shoppers world

Phydios wrote:Shoppers world, let's back up a bit here. Since you are clearly an abortion advocate, let me ask you this: is there ANY circumstance in which you believe abortion should not be allowed?

Most people who support abortion do draw the line somewhere. Maybe you believe it should be illegal in the third trimester? Or maybe you oppose sex-selection abortion. Maybe you're turned off by the idea of terminating a pregnancy because the fetus has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. There are people who believe it should be available at any time and for any reason, but most people do draw the line somewhere. Do you?

It is not my business to care how, when, what, who - gets a surgery or why or if someone is taking RU486. It is not influencing my way of life. Pro-death. If someone is celebrating an abortion then perhaps its a good thing they are not a parent because their brain is wrecked.

REGARDING: Just a thought, ever consider that it might mean something that all of the countries that you are critical of are majority-nonwhite/black/brown and the countries that you are praising are majority-white?

There are plenty of examples otherwise: South Africa, Mozambique, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Argentina. Those are just facts:[294]=294
Literally banned in underdeveloped nations only. Not restricted by politics: China, Vietnam communist - legal; Laos communist - banned.
Every developed nation and more by request:[297]=297
