by Max Barry

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Region: Kantrias

Breaking News: Kamilistan closes the country again for the 6th time due to the recent assasination of MP for West Coast Batumi Erjava Novasinkja, and on today 5 KODIS Drug and Necotics Enfocement Division was reportly killed during an drug bust in an brothel in West Vitaja Disrict, Artvin

On 26th of Febuary, 3:22 P.M an West Coast Batumi MP Erjava Novasinkja was reportly killed in his car, it was reported in an CCTV Camera that he stopped at the roundabout and was turning right before an motorbike with 2 people came by, shooting 5 times in the front window before speading off. The license plate was caught which is

[ BB2 31EJ [] Artvin ]

Police arrived at the scene and the MP was ridding with 2 more person , whom which is affilated with the KODIS Artvin Adminstarive Krauka's Drug and Necotics Enforcement Division [ AAKDNED ] , 3 of the bodys were taken away.


In other news... 5 KOIDS Drugs and Necotics Enforcement Division was killed during an drug bust in West Vitaja District, they were holding against the group's main leader , which is an [REDACTED]. The shootout was located outside an Gas Station and an 5 lane road. 2 Civilains were killed in the shootout along with 14 Cars been damaged

Too-technical japan and Reborn Empire of Ulm
