by Max Barry

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Region: The League of Conservative Nations

The constitutional republic of zion wrote:I doubt that america would have clamped down on Catholic and quebecois culture in the ways you suggest as America had already adapted significant cultural cleavages into its governing structure by 1776 (like Baltimore) and a French controlled area with the purchase of Louisiana under Jefferson. What is more likely is that American government would’ve been ill-equipped to manage quebec as it was significantly larger and more populated than other territories under their control. American mismanagement would’ve likely doomed the Quebecois to a miserable economy and raised cultural tensions that could’ve resulted in their independence by the 1812.
Again, the prospects of America even succesfully invading quebec (or annexing it) are far-fetched. Even if America had conquered Quebec, they would’ve had to return it in negotiations to the British or hand it over to the French, who would’ve mismanaged it similarly to the Americans and condemned the province to political and economic collapse during the French revolution.

And nobody is talking about how America can sell all of Montana to Canada and pay of its debt

Creeperopolis and Cabblikofordia
