by Max Barry

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Region: New West Indies

Nationalist german empire

Ventus Prime wrote:There’s Always Hope

Suddenly, just outside Nubila’s reach, reinforcements suddenly came in. There were about five Praetors, ten Nebulas, ten Endurances, and around twenty corvettes surrounded by by over seven hundred starfighters. These were remnants of the two fleets that had been been destroyed further out in the Kapteyn system. Leading the large swarm of starfighters was Blue Fox Squadron, Blue Leader being none other than Lysithea Snow herself.

“Looks like they need our help,” Lysithea said over her radio. “Blue Fox, we’re going to even the numbers against those starfighters. Anvil Squadron, focus on the smaller capital ships first. Kaze Squadron, you’ll provide cover. Everyone else, provide as much cover as you can for the Praetors. Let’s move out!”

Attack on Nubila

The five Battle Fleets attacking Nubila, now consisting of only five Goliath-class Dreadnoughts, Four Bellator-class Star Battlecruisers, twelfth Maleficent-class Battlecruisers, twenty four Allegiance-class Battlecruisers, four Implacable-class Heavy Cruisers, nineteen Impellor-class Fleet Carriers, thirty two Imperial IV-class Destroyers, forty two Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers, eight Strike-class Strike Cruisers, twenty one Tyrant-class Missile Cruisers, seventy Kreig-class Frigates, sixty Raider-class Corvettes, ninety Crusader-class Corvettes, and eighty Deimos-class Gunships all formed into a super fleet. The now wall of Imperial ships made starfighter attacks near impossible without suffering catastrophic losses.

Though forming such a line forced the Imperial Starships out of range of the Alliances forces, giving them time to regroup. “All advance...With our combined armament we’ll finish this.” the Fleet Admiral ordered. The two Planetary Invasion Fleets followed behind the wall.

The Alliance Pilots were far superior to the Imperial counterparts and it showed in losses. Even so, their was more than fifty thousand Imperial Fighter still attacking. This still excludes the more to come waves of Fighters defending the Wall of Imperial Ships.
