by Max Barry

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Region: New West Indies

Aszaryin wrote:
    | By the time they had just entered their base the patrols would just barely see them dragging one of their own inside it, now from inside should they look outside the members of the expedition could see a band of four individuals, all of them alien in nature and seeming to hold crude weapons of swords and spears, one of them the tallest seeming to be the leader by it's stance. |

    | Would also seem to be holding a banner of sorts, perhaps it being one of the associated tribes or communities now present or something more yet these four individuals in particular would seem now lost, discovering the presence of an unwanted fortification upon their own lands, and one by one they would depart back into the forest seeming at the commands of the leader of the group now remaining where it stood. |

And as for the creature at hand, the one in which they had taken back to their installation now seemed distressed and shaken apparent from it's now visable shaking and fear, either believing in which it's death was near or simply frightened it would begin to mumble and speak within a hushed tone and once more within a language unknown.

And yet to their surprise their was something apparent upon its armor, engravings of a language similar in style and Apperance to be one of earth's first possible languages, Cuneiform.

The Byzantines stand in silence for a few seconds, looking upon these individuals. They notice the Cuneiform, and speak in mutterings for a second.

Then one person rushes into a temporary building, comes out with a tablet, opens one of the applications on it, and begins to write.
He frantically writes, erasing, scribbling, and drawing symbols mysterious to much of the rest of the Byzantines.

Finally, he finishes, heading up to the creature and handing him a simple message in the oldest language on earth:
