by Max Barry

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Region: The Roleplay Paradise

Khomney wrote:During the evacuation mission to recover the Khomnian investors, one of the planes and it's entire crew and passengers were killed by concentrated anti-aircraft fire. Taking this as the official act of war to encite military response, the Khomnian military has agreed to assist the Union.

The remainder got away with no problems, however the Khomnian government has further clarified that the help will only be by air. Simultaneously, a Trident Union travel ban was issued, and civilian aircraft had entered usage in the evacuation of the few citizens who had travelled to Trident Union. Most of these aircraft ended up being those who were already on flights to TU, since their flights were canceled.


The Khomnian military has been using scout and stealth planes to spy out possible targets for airstrikes, including the Tin-Can house. Currently, they are looking at Sasquatch and Imdim, both currently held by the CRT.
