by Max Barry

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Region: Xedas

From: Johannes Kapers
To: Christiaen Hoekstra
Date: 18/13/3034

Dear Christiaen,

I write to you in the hour of my death. It seems time has finally cought up with me. Some foreign illness has strucken me, rendered me bedridden and deathbound. I’m afraid the best I will be able to fair in this battle must be second place. I doubt I shall ever see the day the party comes into power, in fact I doubt anyone ever shall.

This is why I have taken up my pen. I have given my aprentice and dear friend Jakobus Maertens orders to take my place upon my passing, and to lay down all arms against the republic. He realises, as do I, that your ideas and beliefs stray not to far from our own, it is in our methods there lie the difference. I am sure that once the red ones have layed down their weapons, the black ones will soon follow, for they are leaderless and unguided. They work from the shadow of the party, without us, there is no them.

I hope this news reaches you before I come to pass, and wish you the best of luck in your days to come.

May the Lord protect you,
Johannes Kapers, leader of the Red Party
