by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Mystic forest

Shavara wrote:Yes, but we DO have a rule that heavily restricts nuclear weapons and Elem's powers, and as Felter said, according to NS stats, she would be a defenseless country, while in canon, she has an army sized enough to protect her nation.

Would you imagine nations with higher stats of DF just picking on nations with low stats of DF just to win wars? That is completely outrageous and ruins the fun.

I heard from a little birdie (actually just Plazland, you're a bird now), back a long time ago when you asked what people thought of this "Elem" (I know her full name, but dare not say it due to be slapped by Paktisk or something), along with, please, if somebody can actually tell me the full story about that person, I feel like it is something that has really impacted the community in both ways. I would be lying to say if I wasn't curious haha, but anyways, that the reason Plazland actually cared about SA (Scientific Advancement if I remember correctly?) because of that person.

I don't know why I typed this up, I had a reason, now as I finish, I don't.
