by Max Barry

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Region: The North Pacific

Catholic african republic

Command to make a show of force?

A secret meeting in command ops, Harela

President Ellington sits in a room with generals, high ranking government officials, discussing a possible military action.

Ellington: "What exactly are you suggesting general?"

General 1: "Im suggesting we stop looking like a weakened nation Mr President."

Ellington: "And how exactly do you suggest we do that? Our army hasn't received our new equipment yet. Were running old equipment decades old. Who do you think we could even take on?"

General 1: "We need to show the world that we aren't some puppet. Those damn Oskarheim scum took our lan-"

Ellington: "Because we attacked them General. That was the mistake your predecessors made. How are we supposed to recover if we start even more costly wars? Enough general. This meeting is over."

The sanada clan, Lorigia, East supple lund, Deerfenland, and 1 otherTrikadia
