by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific


Grossvietnam wrote:Since Novaya soviet republics and Greater deutschalnd have become Grossvietnamese colonies, the Soviet and German governments commit to earicate the Rebel Alliance and of course, prepare to invade Vietnamiya if necessary

Ps: Vietnamiya, now u can call me Galatic Socialist Imperium, which will remind us of Star Wars more

Secretary :"Distress signal has been sent, princess Leia, all of our allies throughout the entire universe has response to our manifesto to arm against the Empire. And Commander Luke Skywalker has took a spaceship and head for the Empire Capital to meet with the senators of the Opposition. The Opposition Factions will be our key to success."
Leia: "Good, now we're holding 3 important elements of Man, Earth and Heaven. This Rebellion will succeed in a long guerrilla warfare. My order, for now, the Rebel Alliance will scatter it fleet to thousands of the Star Systems, once the time come, we will launch the final assault. May the Force be with you."
In the meantime, the Empire seem to be focusing a huge amount of force to build something.
GTG, i got some business to work. Will continue in tomorrow
