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Constitution of the Former Republic of Keovia


We, the diverse and united citizens of the Republic of Keovia, in pursuit of justice, liberty, and progress, establish this Constitution to safeguard and uphold the rights and freedoms inherent to all individuals, to ensure the governance of a responsible and accountable state, and to establish the foundation for a just and harmonious society. Rooted in democratic principles, driven by advancement, and guided by a commitment to global cooperation, we strive to construct a nation that embodies the loftiest aspirations of humanity.

Article I: Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Section 1: Equality and Non-Discrimination
All citizens of Keovia shall stand on equal footing before the law, and no individual shall suffer discrimination based on attributes such as race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or origin, whether natural or artificial.

Section 2: Personal Liberty and Privacy
The innate right to personal liberty, physical integrity, and privacy shall be inviolable. No person shall be subjected to arbitrary detainment, imprisonment, or surveillance without due process of law.

Section 3: Freedom of Expression and Information
Every citizen shall possess the unassailable right to freedom of thought, expression, and access to information, fostering a thriving arena of public discourse and an enlightened populace.

Section 4: Right to Assembly and Protest
The right to assemble peaceably and the freedom to engage in public demonstrations shall be held inviolate, amplifying democratic participation and facilitating social involvement.

Article II: Structure of Government

Section 1: Decentralized Governance
In adherence to the principle of subsidiarity, the Republic of Keovia shall maintain a decentralized form of governance, ceding considerable authority to local entities for the purpose of streamlining administration and ensuring receptiveness to regional requirements.

Section 2: Executive Authority
The President of Keovia, duly elected through a process characterized by fairness and transparency, shall function as both the head of state and government, standing as the national representative on both domestic and international fronts, and ensuring the diligent execution of laws.

Section 3: Legislative Authority
The Congress, which shall be comprised of two chambers – the Senate and the House of Representatives – shall serve as the repository of legislative power. The Senate, conceived as the representative body for regions, and the House, conceived as the direct representatives of the populace, shall collaborate to provide a platform for diverse voices within the legislative process.

Section 4: Judicial Authority

Section 4(1): Judicial Power
The Republic of Keovia shall establish a distinct and independent Judicial Branch, entrusted with the responsibility of interpreting and upholding the Constitution, adjudicating disputes, and ensuring justice throughout the nation.

Section 4(2): Composition of the Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch shall comprise of courts organized hierarchically, with the Supreme Court as the apex authority. Lower courts, including appellate and trial courts, shall be established by law to ensure comprehensive coverage of the judicial system.

Section 4(3): Appointment of Judges
Judges of the Judicial Branch, including the Supreme Court Justices, shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Judges shall possess qualifications that reflect their legal expertise, integrity, and commitment to impartiality.

Section 4(4): Tenure and Removal
Judges shall hold their offices during good behavior, subject to a rigorous code of ethical conduct. They shall not be removed from office except for reasons of misconduct, incapacity, or gross breach of the law, following due process and established procedures.

Section 4(5): Jurisdiction
The Judicial Branch shall have the authority to hear cases and controversies arising under the Constitution, laws of Keovia, and treaties. It shall serve as the ultimate arbiter in disputes involving citizens, the government, and entities within the nation.

Section 4(6): Judicial Review
The Judicial Branch shall possess the power of judicial review, enabling it to scrutinize the constitutionality of laws, executive actions, and governmental decisions. This power shall serve to protect the fundamental rights enshrined in this Constitution and uphold the rule of law.

Section 4(7): Independence
To safeguard the independence of the Judiciary, judges shall receive compensation that is immune from diminution during their tenure. The Executive and Legislative Branches shall respect the autonomy of the Judicial Branch, ensuring its ability to fulfill its constitutional duties without interference.

Section 4(8): Judicial Precedent
Decisions rendered by the Judicial Branch, particularly those of the Supreme Court, shall serve as binding legal precedent, guiding the interpretation and application of laws and rights within the Republic of Keovia.

Article III: Electoral Process

Section 1: Right to Vote
The right to vote shall be conferred upon all citizens who have attained the age of eighteen years or older, thus guaranteeing the exercise of their democratic franchise.

Section 2: Term Limits
To circumvent the undue consolidation of power, individuals elected to positions of leadership, including the President, shall be constrained by predetermined term limits, a measure designed to foster rotation in leadership and promote the continuous rejuvenation of the governing apparatus.

Article IV: Social Values and Personal Choices

Section 1: Marriage and Family
The institution of marriage, built upon mutual consent, shall be accessible to all citizens, irrespective of their gender. Recognizing the integral role of the family as the cornerstone of society, the state shall extend protection and support to uphold its essential place within our nation.

Section 2: Personal Relationships
The cherished right to personal relationships shall encompass the option of polygamous marriages, reflecting the respect accorded to individual choices and the recognition of our society's multicultural tapestry.

Section 3: Dignity and Euthanasia
The innate dignity inherent to every human being shall be preserved as an inviolable principle. Within regulated parameters of compassion and accountability, individuals shall possess the autonomy to make informed decisions about their lives, including the choice of euthanasia.

Section 4: Artificial Beings
Arising from advancements in technology, artificial beings shall be endowed with legal personhood, securing their rights, ensuring their welfare, and facilitating their harmonious integration within our societal framework.

Article V: Justice and Law Enforcement

Section 1: Capital Punishment
The application of capital punishment shall be restricted to the most heinous crimes that have undergone thorough due process, thereby ensuring transparency, the availability of appeal, and the preservation of human dignity.

Section 2: Right to Fair Trial
Every citizen shall be afforded the right to a fair, expedient trial, complete with legal representation and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, reflecting our commitment to the principles of justice and due process.

Article VI: Economic Principles

Section 1: Market Economy
Guided by the ethos of open competition, innovation, and entrepreneurial vigor, the economy of Keovia shall adhere to market-driven principles, fostering an atmosphere of economic dynamism, while simultaneously promoting equitable trade practices and safeguarding consumer interests.

Section 2: Controlled Substances Regulation
The lawful sale and recreational consumption of controlled substances shall be circumscribed by a regulatory framework, the aim of which is to reconcile individual freedoms with the broader considerations of public health and social well-being.

Section 3: Affirmative Action
To engender inclusivity and parity, organizations and institutions shall be called upon to proactively cultivate diversity and uphold fair representation through the implementation of affirmative action policies, fostering equal opportunities for all.

Article VII: Environmental Responsibility

Section 1: Climate Stewardship
With unwavering dedication to global ecological harmony, the Republic of Keovia, as an adherent to international climate agreements, solemnly commits to curbing greenhouse gas emissions, adopting sustainable practices, and championing the ingenuity of clean energy innovation.

Section 2: Renewable Energy
Building upon its mantle as a nuclear-powered nation, Keovia shall channel substantial resources into the research, development, and integration of renewable energy sources, underscoring its unwavering commitment to safeguarding the environment for posterity.

Article VIII: International Relations

Section 1: Global Cooperation
Guided by the doctrine of Pax Keovia and informed by the spirit of Geopolitical Ambiguity, the Republic of Keovia shall forge cooperative relationships on the international stage, recognizing the indivisible interdependence of nations in their shared pursuit of progress.

Section 2: Weapons of Mass Destruction
While asserting the legal right to possess weapons of mass destruction, the Republic of Keovia shall wield these instruments with judicious restraint, reserving their utilization solely as a defensive recourse, conscientiously adhering to established norms and international legality.

Article IX: Amendment Process

Section 1: Amendment Mechanism
The augmentation of this Constitution shall be an enterprise of democratic integrity, requiring the endorsement of a two-thirds majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, followed by ratification through a majority accord of the citizenry via a referendum, thereby preserving the enduring essence of this foundational document.

Article X: Supremacy of the Constitution

Section 1: Constitutional Supremacy
This Constitution stands as the preeminent edifice of law within the Republic of Keovia. All statutes, regulations, and governmental actions shall harmonize with its principles and provisions, ensuring the integrity of our governance, the sanctity of individual rights, and the perpetuation of the collective vision that this document embodies.

In Witness Whereof, We, the citizens of the Republic of Keovia, unified in our diversity, championing the cause of justice, liberty, and progress, do hereby promulgate and enact this Constitution to ensure the perpetuation of the liberties and ideals that we hold dear for ourselves, our descendants, and all generations to come. In unison and with unwavering resolve, we pledge our enduring allegiance to the principles and aspirations set forth within this foundational charter.
