by Max Barry

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Chairperson (Governor): The Soviet Federative Republic of Neocortexia

WA Delegate: The Akselsenist Utopia of Boredland (elected )

Founder: The Soviet Federative Republic of Neocortexia

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Welfare Programs: 488th Most Inclusive: 584th Most World Assembly Endorsements: 608th+33
Most Compassionate Citizens: 723rd Nicest Citizens: 794th Highest Average Tax Rates: 804th Highest Foreign Aid Spending: 817th Most Secular: 867th Highest Poor Incomes: 872nd Highest Food Quality: 899th Most Advanced Public Education: 972nd Most Scientifically Advanced: 1,004th Largest Governments: 1,010th Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 1,028th Most Developed: 1,052nd Healthiest Citizens: 1,065th Lowest Crime Rates: 1,090th Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 1,091st Most Advanced Public Transport: 1,093rd Largest Information Technology Sector: 1,116th Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 1,132nd Best Weather: 1,181st Smartest Citizens: 1,217th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,228th Longest Average Lifespans: 1,304th Most Beautiful Environments: 1,333rd Safest: 1,394th Most Subsidized Industry: 1,437th Most Cultured: 1,851st Highest Average Incomes: 1,947th Most Nations: 2,098th Most Patriotic: 2,400th Largest Publishing Industry: 2,534th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,724th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 2,776th Most Efficient Economies: 2,822nd
World Factbook Entry

The Etherian International is a grouping of all nations of the planet of Etheria, and most of these nations are left wing in some sort of way. It is a loose economic and political alliance. The Cortexist International operates in Etheria, seeking to spread global communism. Headquarters of both are present in Cortexgrad, Neocortexia.

It seeks to promote peace and friendship among all nations of Etheria, and oppose rising militarism. The Etherian Criminal Court and the Etherian Red Cross are a part of the International.

Tags: Medium and Password.

The Etherian International contains 11 nations, the 2,098th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Nicest Citizens in The Etherian International

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, The Etherian International is ranked 794th in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Soviet Republic of MasonarsopiaLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“Inquilab Zindabad”
2.The Commonwealth of Southwestern Islands RepublicScandinavian Liberal Paradise Gay Marriage State“United, Indivisible”
3.The Soviet Federative Republic of AmbaijusestanagglenDemocratic Socialists Hell“The way for humanity is open!”
4.The United Socialist States of AltoniumDemocratic Socialists Hell“Protect the Union and the International!”
5.The Boredlandian Authority of AleandiaLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Part 2 Electric Boogaloo”
6.The Soviet Federative Republic of NeocortexiaDemocratic Socialists Hell“Progress demands both courage and care.”
7.The United Socialist States of HarveyiaLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Steve harveys forehead for da win”
8.The People's Republic of East MiravasLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“The people are the Party, the Party are the people.”
9.The Akselsenist Utopia of BoredlandDemocratic Socialists Hell“We are but a vessel for the Akselsenist experiment”
10.The Free State of EmergradCorporate Bordello Patriotic Business Zone“Sing, our valleys and mountains”

Regional Happenings


The Etherian International Regional Message Board

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