by Max Barry

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«12. . .574575576577578579580. . .844845»

Noordrhien wrote:thank you!

No problem! I'm always here to help!

I need a new flag. Any suggestions?


Embassy Report for 03-11-2021 Minor
Embassies Before Update: 868
Embassies After Update: 875
Only seven embassies? Ironically, that's pretty unlucky.

Noordrhien wrote:thank you!

if you need even more color, all the working colors can be found on this dispatch:

Noahs Second Country Dispatch Office


February 15th, 2017

Bringing you your NSC developments since 2/22/2222

This guide is everything concerning color.
Most people assume that the default BBcode colors are only colors like red or gray. However, there are 140 different colors . Here is a quick list. (don't open the spoiler if you want to continue reading).

Alicewhite | F0F8FF
Antiquewhite | FAEBD7
Aqua | 00FFFF
Aquamarine | 7FFFD4
Azure | F0FFFF
Beige | F5F5DC
Bisque | FFE4C4
Blanchedalmond | FFEBCD
Blue | 0000FF
Blueviolet | 8A2BE2
Brown | A52A2A
Burlywood | DEB887
Cadetblue | 5F9EA0
Chartreuse | 7FFF00
Chocolate | D2691E
Coral | FF7F50
Cornflowerblue | 6495ED
Cornsilk | FFF8DC
Crimson | DC143C
Cyan | 00FFFF
Darkblue | 00008B
Darkcyan | 008B8B
Darkgoldenrod | B8860B
Darkgray | A9A9A9
Darkgreen | 006400
Darkkhaki | BDB76B
Darkmagenta | 8B008B
Darkolivegreen | 556B2F
Darkorange | FF8C00
Darkorchid | 9932CC
Darkred | 8B0000
Darksalmon | E9967A
Darkseagreen | 8FBC8F
Darkslateblue | 483D8B
Darkslategray | 2F4F4F
Darkturquoise | 00CED1
Darkviolet | 9400D3
Deeppink | FF1493
Deepskyblue | 00BFFF
Dimgray | 696969
Dodgerblue | 1E90FF
Firebrick | B22222
Floralwhite | FFFAF0
Forestgreen | 228B22
Fuchsia | FF00FF
Gainsboro | DCDCDC
Ghostwhite | F8F8FF
Gold | FFD700
Goldenrod | DAA520
Gray | 808080
Green | 008000
Greenyellow | ADFF2F
Honeydew | F0FFF0
Hotpink | FF69B4
Indianred | CD5C5C
Indigo | 4B0082
Ivory | FFFFF0
Khaki | F0E68C
Lavender | E6E6FA
Lavenderblush | FFF0F5
Lawngreen | 7CFC00
Lemonchiffon | FFFACD
Lightblue | ADD8E6
Lightcoral | F08080
Lightcyan | E0FFFF
Lightgoldenrodyellow | FAFAD2
Lightgreen | 90EE90
Lightgrey | D3D3D3
Lightpink | FFB6C1
Lightsalmon | FFA07A
Lightseagreen | 20B2AA
Lightskyblue | 87CEFA
Lightslategray | 778899
Lightsteelblue | B0C4DE
Linen | FAF0E6
Magenta | FF00FF
Maroon | 800000
Mediumaquamarine | 66CDAA
Mediumblue | 0000CD
Mediumorchid | BA55D3
Mediumpurple | 9370D8
Mediumseagreen | 3CB371
Mediumslateblue | 7B68EE
Mediumspringgreen | 00FA9A
Mediumturquoise | 48D1CC
Mediumvioletred | C71585
Midnightblue | 191970
Mintcream | F5FFFA
Mistyrose | FFE4E1
Moccasin | FFE4B5
Navajowhite | FFDEAD
Navy | 000080
Oldlace | FDF5E6
Olive | 808000
Olivedrab | 688E23
Orange | FFA500
Orangered | FF4500
Orchid | DA70D6
Palegoldenrod | EEE8AA
Palegreen | 98FB98
Paleturquoise | AFEEEE
Palevioletred | D87093
Papayawhip | FFEFD5
Peachpuff | FFDAB9
Peru | CD853F
Pink | FFC0CB
Plum | DDA0DD
Powderblue | B0E0E6
Purple | 800080
Red | FF0000
Rosybrown | BC8F8F
Royalblue | 4169E1
Saddlebrown | 8B4513
Salmon | FA8072
Sandybrown | F4A460
Seagreen | 2E8B57
Seashell | FFF5EE
Sienna | A0522D
Silver | C0C0C0
Skyblue | 87CEEB
Slateblue | 6A5ACD
Slategray | 708090
Springgreen | 00FF7F
Steelblue | 4682B4
Tan | D2B48C
Teal | 008080
Thistle | D8BFD8
Tomato | FF6347
Turquoise | 40E0D0
Violet | EE82EE
Wheat | F5DEB3
White | FFFFFF
Whitesmoke | F5F5F5
Yellow | FFFF00
Yellowgreen | 9ACD32
I have memorized a few of my favorite color names, such as chartreuse, which is a better green. Use the above list to determine the color name you want. The hex code is also provided. However, these 140 colors may not satisfy your needs. In that case, I have a couple of useful resources. LinkThis is my personal favorite html colorizer. It provides gradients and hex codes, as well as bbcode, for the colors you select. This is an example of what it can do. LinkThis is an intuitive color picker, which can help you find the hex code of a certain pixel on an image. These two resources are basically all you need to create a well colored dispatch! is another useful site, thank Abhichandra for this useful resource.
Applying color
Color can be applied in 3 primary ways: The [background-block] tag, the [color] tag, and the [background] tag.

becomes: Goldenrod!
This can be used throughout the site, except on the RMB.

becomes: Goldenrod!
This can also be used throughout the site, except on the RMB.

becomes: Goldenrod!

This can also be used throughout the site, except on the RMB.

Alternate Way:
You can also use hex codes to apply custom colors. The hex code for goldenrod is #DAA520. Use

instead of

Aaaand... that is all you need to know! If you liked this dispatch, upvote! TG me if you have something to add, questions, or suggestions! You can use these three tags to create headlines, well colored dispatches, and more!

NSC Factbook Office
Questions/Comments All rights reserved, Noahs Second Country 2017

Read dispatch

Perada confederation, Lower Slobbovia, Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau, and Jacrovnia


Last week we opened a poll in our sister region of the Undead Puppets asking everyone's experience throughout 2020, and there's still 6 days left to vote. Drop a vote if you have time!
Thank you!

Hello, from Quarantined Pisaynons

Embassy Report for 03-11-2021 Major
Embassies Before Update: 875
Embassies After Update: 902
When I see the number 902, all I can think me is what the number means to me. It's the area code for Nova Scotia, my home which I have long since left behind but never forgotten. Any chance to think of home brings a tear to my eye... LONG LIVE THE EMBASSY!!

Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau wrote:I need a new flag. Any suggestions?

Who is your nation? If she is a greenskin, I might be able to help ; )

Otherwise rather not : /
But who is she?

A Goblinoid Merchant wrote:Who is your nation? If she is a greenskin, I might be able to help ; )

Otherwise rather not : /
But who is she?

Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau was a diplomat's daughter who escorted a group of schoolgirls out of harms way during WWII.

Ultra Grandia Sebastia and Jacrovnia

Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau wrote:Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau was a diplomat's daughter who escorted a group of schoolgirls out of harms way during WWII.

Mmmh... that doesn't sound like something a goblin
would do.

Strangely I couldn't google her.

A Goblinoid Merchant wrote:Mmmh... that doesn't sound like something a goblin
would do.

Strangely I couldn't google her.

That's weird. As a minimum, you should have at least have a link to this nation.

Embassy Report for 03-12-2021 Minor
Embassies Before Update: 902
Embassies After Update: 924
We're so close to 1000, I can practically taste it... maybe we'll get there tomorrow?

good region

Reminated republic, Lower Slobbovia, Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau, and Jacrovnia

The Embassy is the BEST region in nationstates

but that is my opinion

I will say that the raiders raid had one good thing come out of it, this region is way more active and fun

Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau wrote:That's weird. As a minimum, you should have at least have a link to this nation.

We found a link to your nation as well as the movie “Father Goose,” which is apparently about the schoolgirl’s wartime evacuation that you mentioned.

Congrats on establishing regional embassies with LIFE PUPPETS. A gargantuan Puppet Storage. I hope that our two regions can co-exist and have great relations with one another.

The Embassy with LIFE PUPPETS has been open for quite a while now and I am glad for it.

Jacrovnia wrote:Embassy Report for 03-12-2021 Minor
Embassies Before Update: 902
Embassies After Update: 924
We're so close to 1000, I can practically taste it... maybe we'll get there tomorrow?

1/3 restored!

Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau wrote:I need a new flag. Any suggestions?

Do you have any thoughts about what you'd like for it to be?

Here's a quick idea, as per Lower Slobbovia's note:

Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau wrote:That's weird. As a minimum, you should have at least have a link to this nation.

Lower Slobbovia wrote:We found a link to your nation as well as the movie “Father Goose,” which is apparently about the schoolgirl’s wartime evacuation that you mentioned.

Exactly this. While I didn't read enough about the movie to get the link to the RL Catherine and the kids.

Concordat wrote:Do you have any thoughts about what you'd like for it to be?

Here's a quick idea, as per Lower Slobbovia's note:

Oh, it's pretty!

Reminated republic wrote:The Embassy is the BEST region in nationstates

but that is my opinion

: )

Reminated republic wrote:I will say that the raiders raid had one good thing come out of it, this region is way more active and fun

Let hope it is not just temporary.

Venusian venera wrote:Congrats on establishing regional embassies with LIFE PUPPETS. A gargantuan Puppet Storage. I hope that our two regions can co-exist and have great relations with one another.

The Embassy with LIFE PUPPETS has been open for quite a while now and I am glad for it.

Your region is meant to become something like Chicken Overlords?

A Goblinoid Merchant wrote:Your region is meant to become something like Chicken Overlords?

Chicken Overlords 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Would you believe that The Embassy now has 999 embassies. :)


Embassy Report for 03-12-2021 Major
Embassies Before Update: 924
Embassies After Update: 999
Freedom Being is right... 999 embassies... can I get an F in the chat?

On the bright side, it means that we're gonna get to 1000 for sure tomorrow... LONG LIVE THE EMBASSY!!!

I give everyone poll authorities.

I think usually The Embassy used to run only a few polls (maybe one per month?) but The ambassadors reception wrote a bit about the result in The Cable. I like polls, so I would also be happy to have more that do not get "analyzed" later. But summarizing a poll result (tagging the nations that participated in it) is great, even if the summary gets only posted on the RMB.

For my part, I will try to summarize the last poll and post it at least on the RMB.

If you create a poll, it usually should not be limited to residents only but be open for everyone. There is this little tick box in the settings that controls this.


Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau
Demon X
Valentine 7
Lower Slobbovia
Chris cillizza
Sail nation travellers
Ernest N Cross

Sorong, Sail nation travellers, and Catherine Louise Marie Ernestine Freneau

«12. . .574575576577578579580. . .844845»
