by Max Barry

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by Devlon. . 21 reads.

Insurgency Returns!

The Daily Dispatch
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Ignaran 122mm heavy artillery firing on Briglon, Mantori during the Manto-Iragno Crisis.
8 August, 1996

Devian troops are ambushed in the western territories!
16 April, 2021
Klint Pristoni

| Shock has hit both the government and people of Devlon today. This morning, the 27th Paratroop Brigade lost contact with one of its squads. The missing squad, Red Squad, allegedly failed to report back to Fort Yarell after its 9 members left the fort at 7:00AM to perform a routine exercise into the thick woods located around the fort. Once Fort Yarell failed to reach Red Squad over comms, the base scattered search parties into the woods to locate the lost team.

According to Sgt. Dimon of Cobra Squad and a member of Search Party 5, "We were expecting this to be another case of malfunctioning equipment. At Fort Yarell its normal for our early exercises to be extended in order to take advantage of the cooler temperatures of the morning, so the fail to report in was suspected to be due to the combination of a faulty radio and the stubbornness of the drill sergeant." But, it was only 30 minutes later when Sgt. Dimon and Search Party 5 came across a gruesome sight.

"We had only driven down a few miles of the muddy road we use for marching exercises and we saw a body slumped over in a ditch next to the road," says Sgt. Dimon. The body they had discovered that of Pvt. Greine, a member of Red Squad. Moments later, Sgt. Dimon and the rest of Search Party 5 came under a hail of fire, wounding Pvt. Jenton Winhall and instantly killing Pvt. Mackinson Brooke. The resulting gunfight saw the wounding of Pvt. Percy Vance who was shot in the arm attempting to reach his downed comrade Pvt. Winhall. The rest of the search party returned fire into the woods, killing 3 unidentified individuals armed with grenades, assault rifles, body armor, helmets, and even flares. The rest of Red Squad was found dead along with a nearby body of another unidentified combatant.

The four bodies of the deceased combatants and the surrounding area were investigated by military officials who also discovered tracks in the mud leading away from the scene, suggesting more combatants were present but escaped. Pursuing the tracks lead the investigation nowhere as rain washed away the imprints in the mud.

Military officials have analyzed the attack and suspect it to have been conducted by armed insurgents of the recently emerged terrorist organization of the Ignaran Restoration Society or IRS for short. The group, thought to have been dissolved 20 years ago, is famous for its historically brutal attempts to reinstall the tyrannical Ignaran regimes control back over the Devian Isles. Three decades ago, First Devian Marshal Ramson had sealed the groups fate after launching decisive attacks on important Ignaran strongholds in the Muchaman Mountain Range, utilizing bombing runs to soften AA defenses before using helicopters to land troops within the compounds. The reemergence of this group has startled both government officials and citizens alike, many of were living and can easily recall the era of rebel and partisan suppression following Devian unification.

The Devian military is reportedly on high alert and no one is quite sure when these insurgents might strike next.

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BrinSeela02 - 1 hour ago

This is horrifying. I can't believe groups like the IRS are still present in Devlon.

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Mystic_Moosle - 3 hours ago

I'm suddenly ok with increasing our military budget... (o_o)

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HerminLanglysLeftNipple_1 - 1 hour ago

My dad died fighting them in Mantori. I think it's about time I kick their ass.

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