by Max Barry

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by The Illuminated Kingdom of The Ambis. . 7 reads.

The Ambis Constitutional Proposal

Article I - Supremacy and Amendments
Section I - This Constitution is the supreme law of Thaecia, and any law or government action inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force and effect.

Section II - Amendments to this Constitution may only be passed with a 2/3rds majority in the Assembly of Lords, and 3/4ths of the House’s assent, as decided by internal processes.

Article II - Rights of Citizens
Section I - All Citizens are guaranteed the following rights without government interference;

i - The right to freedom of expression, opinion, and speech, insofar as this right is not exercised in a way that breaches NS rules;

ii - The right to free association; including the right to join any House unless banned

iii - The right to equal protection under the law;

iv - The right to seek legal redress from government actions, including through the court;

v - The right to stand for all offices as allowed by your title;

vi - The right to vote in elections and referendums unless they became a Citizen during the election or referendum they wish to vote in;

vii - The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law;

viii - The right to due process of law in all interactions with the government of Thaecia;

ix - The right to representation in a court of law;

x - The right to a free, speedy, and fair trial;

xi - The right to personal privacy;

xii - The right to protection from ex post facto laws, bills of attainder, double jeopardy, and forced testimony against oneself.

Section II - The non-inclusion of a right on this list does not preclude its existence.

Section III - This Constitution guarantees the rights set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law.

Article III - Regional Hierarchy
Section I - The regional hierarchy shall be as follows:
- The Grand Monarch
- Duke
- Count
- Baron
- Lord
- Plebeian

Section II - Every member of the region shall start as a plebeian

Section III - Houses shall be responsible for who to promote to each rank, although Dukes must be confirmed by The Grand Monarch

Article IV - The Grand Monarch
Section I - The region shall be headed by The Grand Monarch, who will be the governor of the region.

Section II - The Grand Monarch shall have ultimate authority over the region, and is charged with the following
i - Overseeing elections, when needed
ii - Appointing Dukes when a vacancy occurs
iii - Give final assent to laws passed by the Assembly of Lords
iv - Maintain the safety and security of the region

Section III - The Grand Monarch shall have the ability to ban any nation with the assent of two dukes should they pose a security risk to the region

Article V - Dukes
Section I - Each house shall be headed by a duke, and they will be responsible for overseeing internal structure

Section II - The four dukes shall be as follows:
i - The Duke of Loyalty, who shall oversee House Loyalty, and shall be the successor to The Grand Monarch, as well as being charged with the Domestic Affairs of the region
ii - The Duke of Valor, who shall oversee House Valor, and shall be the Chief Magistrate of the Magistrate’s Court
iii - The Duke of Prosper, who shall oversee House Prosper, and shall be the World Assembly Delegate, as well as being charged with the Foreign Affairs of the region
iv - The Duke of Progress, who shall oversee House Progress, and shall be the Lord Grandmaster of the Lord’s Assembly

Section III - Dukes shall serve from appointment and until they resign, leave the region, or switch houses

Section IV - If a vacancy arises, the longest serving Count shall become the Duke Pro Tempore of the House

Section V - Upon a vacancy, the House shall nominate a Count for Dukeship, who shall be confirmed or denied by The Grand Monarch
i - Should they be accepted, they will immediately take on the role, and all powers a duties that come with it
ii - Should they be denied, the House must nominate a different member for promotion

Section VI - Should three nominations be denied, The Grand Monarch will simply pick one themselves

Article VI - The Nobility
Section I - Each houses shall have Counts, Barons, and Lords, and Plebeians

Section II - Nations must be of a previous title to advance to the next one.

Section III - Counts are the only ones allowed to be promoted to Duke, and they may also have other roles as decided by their House

Section IV - Barons are the only ones allowed to serve on the Magistrates Court, and they may also have other roles as decided by their House

Section V - Lords are the only one allowed to serve on the House of Lords, and they may also have other roles as decided by their House

Section VI - Plebeians are the entrance role of all Houses, and residents must start here.
i - There shall be two types of plebeians, WA Plebeians and Non-WA Plebeians
ii - Only WA plebeians may vote and have prominent roles in Houses or the Monarchy. They will be, for all intents and purposes, citizens
iii - Should a nation not be able to be a part of the WA on their Thaecian Nation, they may provide their Duke, or whoever they designate, a different WA nation to gain WA Plebeian status

Section VII - Residents may, if their house allows, deny a promotion, and shall take the title of “Grand” in front of their already existing role

Article VII - The Houses
Section I - There shall be four established houses, which will be as follows:
i - House of Loyalty - Values the Region above all, may contribute one member to the Magistrate's Court, and two members to the Assembly of Lords
ii - House of Valor - Values the integrity of the region above all, may contribute two members to the Assembly of Lords
iii - House of Prosper - Values the region on the World Stage above all, may contribute one member to the Magistrate's Court, and two members to the Assembly of Lords
iv - House of Progress - Values the progress of the region above all, may contribute one member to the Magistrate's Court, and one member, not counting the Duke, to the Assembly of Lords.

Section II - Each House shall be responsible for setting its own processes and procedures

Section III- Each House must have, but are not limited to processes for the following:
i - Promoting members to titles of nobility
ii - Nominating Dukes, Magistrates, and Members of the Assembly
iii - Running elections for Constitutional Amendments, Court of Magistrates, and the Assembly of Lords
iv - Expelling members from the House

Section IV - Residents must join a House or risk ejection

Section V - Upon joining a House, members shall be given a one week grace period to decide to change their House; if this time elapses, they must stay in that House for two months

Section VI - Upon leaving a House, you forfeit all titles you had in your previous House, and start again at Plebeian

Section VII - According to internal processes, a House may expel a member. If this happens, they shall become “Houseless” and will have 48 hours to join a new House, or face ejection from the region.
i - Should a member be banned from every house, they will be given a 72 hour grace period to attempt to rectify this. Should they fail to join a house in this time, they will be banned from the region

Article VIII - The Assembly of Lords
Section I - There shall be an Assembly of Lords, which shall be charged with debating and voting on laws of the region

Section II - There shall be seven Lords of the Assembly (LotA), and one Lord Grandmaster, with the breakdown set out in Article VII, Section I

Section III - Any citizen may write a bill and submit it to the Lord Grandmaster to be put on the Docket of the Assembly

Section IV - The Lord Grandmaster shall have two assistants, both referred to as “Lord Masters.” One shall be the representative of the House of Progress, and one shall be chosen by the Lord Grandmaster
i - The Lord Grandmaster may assign one as the “First Lord Master,” who shall be considered the more senior member.
ii - The First Lord Master shall take up the roles of the Lord Grandmaster should the Lord Grandmaster designate as such, or shall fail to upkeep their duties for a period of five days

Section V - The Lord Grandmaster shall be charged with upkeeping a docket, running debates and votes, and ensuring that the Grand Monarch is kept up to date with bills that need signing.

Section VI - Once the Lord Grandmaster has introduced a bill, there shall be a debate period lasting at least twelve hours, upon which a Lord of the Assembly may motion to vote, and upon a second, the Lord Grandmaster shall commence voting

Section VII - Voting shall last at least twenty four hours, or until every member has voted
i - A member may be discounted if they have failed to vote three times in succession

Section VIII - Should a bill obtain a simple majority of votes, it shall pass, and be given to the Grand Monarch for Royal Assent. Once this occurs, the bill will become law

Section IX - Lords of the Assembly shall be elected every four months, with elections occurring the first week every January, April, July, and October.

Article IX - The Magistrates Court
Section I - There shall be a Magistrates Court, charged with overseeing the proper execution of the law

Section II - There shall be 3 Magistrates, as well as a Chief Magistrate, with the breakdown set out in Article VII, Section I

Section III - Any citizen may bring a filing before the court if they feel the need, and the court will decide whether they should accept or not

Section IV - The Chief Magistrate shall designate a Grand Magistrate to be their assistant
i - The Grand Magistrate shall take up the roles of the Chief Magistrate should the Chief Magistrate designate as such, or shall fail to upkeep their duties for a period of five days

Section V - The Chief Magistrate shall be charged with upkeeping an archive of court decision, bring filings to the Magistrate's attention, and being the public facing member of the court, responsible for presenting decisions

Section VI - Once the Magistrate has accepted a case, they shall make this clear and begin the process of the trial, to be defined by the Court

Section VII - Magistrates should try to go through the proceedings hastily, while not disregarding proper procedures and democracy
i - Should a ruling be absent after seven days, the client may request an update to the status of their case

Section VIII - In the case of a criminal or civil trial, cases may not be appealed until two successive judicial terms have passed

Section IX - Magistrates of the Court shall be elected every 6 months, with elections occurring the first week of January and July

Article X - Grandfathering
Section I - Upon the passage of this constitution, a one month countdown clock shall begin.

Section II - Within this time, every resident of Thaecia must indicate through some means what House they intend to join

Section III - Should they fail to do this, any previous residents of Thaecia will not be ejected from the region, but will lose citizenship status

Section IV - As soon as possible, the Grand Monarch shall appoint the four Dukes to serve alongside them
i - In the case of the Duke of Prosper, if a delegate transition is needed, it shall occur

Section V - At the elapse of the one month period, there will be a two week period for Houses to develop internal processes, especially those required by Article VII, Section III

Section VI - Once this period has ended, residents are locked to their Houses, and the first round of elections shall be held for the positions needed

Section VII - This term may be shorter than normal, as elections will be held at their standard time, as set out in this Constitution

Section VIII - Upon the elapse of both Assembly of Lords elections and The Magistrates Court elections, this article will be fully repealed in its entirety.
