by Max Barry

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Woot! Third most cultured :) The executives responsible for "reality TV" have been put on a new show called "Who can produce a REAL show and keep their jobs?"

Anyone up for NWP wargames?

of course.

Yes, an excellent idea. Also, Nullarni, please TG me concerning some interregional diplomatic stuff.
And Australien, whats next for your "Worst of Both Worlds" RP?

I think it's my turn to post; I keep holding the damn thing up. Well, I just got out of surgery, and I've got a 5 hour wait in the hospital, so maybe I'll get time to write something up.

Puerto esperanza

I think we can excuse Aezakmi's irregularity in posting, surgery tends to do that to you ;)

Good news though, I have managed to put up a post

Puerto esperanza

Yeah, saw it and responded. :)

Most extreme! Woo! Maybe they will film a Mountain Dew commercial in Nullarni...

Then I guess the best ad we can hope for in 'Darshekeen would be for Shasta. Maybe even Diet Shasta.

I could see the commercial now: "Diet Shasta... you buy it because you have family coming to visit and its on sale."

Yeah, and the slogan: "Because it's the only thing Grandma Josephine'll drink besides prune juice...and we all know how THAT turned out..."

Some interesting developements coming down the pipeline: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4498&start=265

Awwww... I hate daylight savings time. So I wake up, thinking I have plenty of time to eat and check some NS stuff. Then I look at my cell phone and realize that I had completely forgotten daylight savings!
Now I have to rush to get myself and the family ready for church and such. Thanks for screwing up my day daylight saving! I wish everyone would come to their senses like Arizona and just stop doing it... Its a rather stupid thing.

Yes, finally, someone who agrees with me! Every year in Queensland, there's a new campaign by a small but annoyingly loud-mouthed segment of the population to introduce daylight savings in this state. It's such a load of crap; this close to the equator, even in southern QLD, the difference between summer and winter sunrise & sunset times is less than two hours, and who the hell wants to go through the hassle of changing over the clocks and having to wake up in the dark all year round for the sake of an extra horrible, humid and/or burning hot hour of afternoon? /rant

See, and I'm happy to be on DST this month (but only because it will mean actually having sunlight for the VW club meeting).

Gasp! The Regional Embassy thing has started up already! Wow, that caught me by surprise... You know, I get ill for a few days and they start changing things up on you...

Oh yeah, here s the announcement thread for it: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=101779

Features, features, features! This is an exciting time to be on NS, I've never seen so many new features being added so quickly. Max must be taking time off from writing, or something...

No, its all [violet], who is the site admin. She (or he?) is working hard on some really cool new stuff. Apparently there is going to be a telegram overhaul that will blow the current system out of the water.


Well, if [violet] isn't actually Max, then they're certainly someone he knows well - NS is still more or less his game, isn't it? And I hope all those Irish Catholics out there had a good day today!

Dang. I should have made an all-green flag for the occasion. By the time I get to it, St. Patty's Day will be over :(

Sad... Oh well. I will remind you a few days in advance next year.

Thank you Aezakmi! I am having a good day! (all 1/4 Irish and havn't been to Mass since Christmas of me)

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