[👑] I M P E R A T O R (Governor): Higvomni governor
WA Delegate: None.
Last WA Update:
Embassies: True Waskaria.
Tags: Anti-Communist, Democratic, Governorless, Multi-Species, Patriarchal, Role Player, Small, and Theocratic.
Higvomni contains 4 nations.
Today's World Census Report
The Most Extensive Civil Rights in Higvomni
The citizens of nations ranked highly enjoy a great amount of civil rights, or freedoms to go about their personal business without interference or regulation from government.
As a region, Higvomni is ranked 23,651st in the world for Most Extensive Civil Rights.
Nation | WA Category | Motto | ||
1. | The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCXXXI | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists | “Fireplace cloak” | |
2. | The Republic of Denizli-TR | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists | “Denizli” | |
3. | The Queendom of Thorn90 | Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists | “Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)” | |
4. | The Republic of Thorn46 | Psychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship | “Contact Thorn1000 with any concerns :)” |
Regional Happenings
- : The Republic of BCC 24 departed this region for Suspicious.
- : The Black Circus of BCC 23 departed this region for Suspicious.
- : The Commonwealth of Mint Chip 36 departed this region for Artificial Solar System.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 departed this region for Artificial Solar System.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 resigned as planet duke of Higvomni.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 aborted construction of embassies with The Brotherhood of Malice.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 cancelled the closure of embassies between Higvomni and True Waskaria.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 changed the region's banner.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 altered the region's flag.
- : The Defender of The Duck Army Squadron 5 updated the World Factbook entry.
Higvomni Regional Message Board
Post by Rock zimemo suppressed by Phletgrvnerto.
લ⃗日땈ᅜ९뢅ᄋ腓᜴᭤通쏛q䤤糐瀦ܺ⯋ካ�佞瞲뿆퍽溩灼以௶H唵烹ퟄ蛬㚕ꐻɊ㧡ᄤᖠᇪ꺨둙퓻硻꺊嫷差✿⫞㘴활谛뻍�坳같䞎ꥬ䃶愩ꅊ�謁譭徾져㿖퍁舓욖쐴斪➚⸚ᵓ⽠榓蔙謽췏发⭼鑡擆꓂ಢ⍑뛷ꠑ㯘∏㣊堑厳쒿⏰굏㾮铗텑ࢳ떰䶙㹒⃠堘뾦㴈傜鋪㟙죲ퟹࠥ嚕ዸ䙹훔ᣈ뤂ﭵ쏊際㷅鱫哺卤쭤摥濡纴䪰禜訿汉ℇ�ꃀ盛䪤戌㨜哦쟣߿ꡕ鈙䒬⧽ⱅ䨴�拪ئꢗ瓛⵰ࢱ값㇌ʎ箣鶺ꖒ孠쁔錐啥㒴諭 楫∍뒐⟨⿏䅱ℰꗳ뮼퀺柲購䷟폓ᒃ䠛稲谢鍞뙈㹠令ᩪ琻ಿ瓎谅柾�덷ᓼ굈폐첟絡胔와㑢◯ꏹ쎲햡醩ᦆ鷵彅֫偪㉻䚟頻婶ង邢뀍䳾莐䲊쾍뺤믌↞眥ੳ楎䪫J翕㾠跁腓㹫䛁㣟㕅寕굠﮶༮祕판ᢝ㺹랣朓遢弆鄽�ඞJᙬగ逥㲵ꇒퟧㆡ妖燦嗆㦞柍듏⬣�뜎緛⓺ᬃ鷜硍覇蓪⇌胇�쒎鿃銸䄟旜剢퉘㡕믢㡄瞐ꜫ礍텫跬육験꞊簝稿脩⢉澓ꎄꥵ⤞ṓ鎍굵뷙궤槻♗鳫꫱盯㵗혌磵б䙃ꟹ幼탭砠䘉鬮雔⹘䜦雞꿞휄駭緊鵗㋏㢸雓쏉俌蛯ꡳੑ쮀ԫ锟偸⽷훶䟏◚藌껏癆䗊廀㤴㵧滜踴댰䮦㋉站줈룹才䯉❶㪥舴쒲炣莜聆龀鷗殻鉃룛墧℃Φ䞂涕奝ꙻ᥋譪䚊鋰寒鿵ᙪ褄軺䠻者嶣ຆ碇㨮셵贜ᒥ먂ﳴꬁꈊﺊ櫜�걀㩽ᇻ浰繂䚿偆卄犩飚쓆豘ᥓ쎉뻇쳓ﭞ⊇ᡣ墟ᙒ뱾㹿哙ᾨ쬌♌♘哓䯺筂빩駤䛌锈ᢒ烈쳠釀髈蘅䀐쭨䄉瀦ⳉ㛏侒䲹鹆⡙挀斍鳻⮹ང램ꊋ嘺ታ�縇ḝ謉䖽圐も㞷먘Ⅹ狑鴎詃韎鬶爛鈼芳꾱ꉈ�ⰿ혦⡤ﹳ⏫هុ�艂颬⼿⫄煞到㖉쇜ﱍ쒈၄썲ꢟ퀉䙧豝ˡⱙ䶬箴䋼䒮୷攬�童ꎩ䔣�肈ﯫᚔ韽턈苂傏뼖幢匣ᤌ⊨⯄ꩪ�唳卲䲱楮홓瞯仆斎吀裔簬䬡ᚢᶕꎜ茏곿鷲洶뱕ᔬ٢템馺윶ꁒ�Ⱐ�҃ᗔ䧠쮄䁪纙蛑ⰶ荰祽톢ﮠମ볲漝涩囄᧽꣫냴ꬓू䯪僠︷爽봢姁ⷿ鼷靃ⷢꋃ普는⦌酜伇表뒜䢄㶠ᦴ骬憯�촨킦숱㩘犡ᦧᔃ킎엲㛈ﺣᢷ蓰关⠙㤋櫆䷲◾ᖏ�멼쯧㺆폷啞䷴Ở┾暝벑茲ቝ숃觔㯢�儸庀ꬼ�趾鏂趰郏悚꾴䇇榁㫵ꝥſt崰䳸胠耣ꁄ�莅젍ᓒ偨㓘騞〘ᾱ첧弙㈠芏ﻙཅ윋럦䎇㯔僟Ⲥ퓼髄ᘳ䦌珷偭幤䚐鄡跈뤺생蹤집앓먺ꄉᆚ몮迼靧厣뗠涮쯉ᒄℌ䬁Ⲯ썉훱ꟗ婜懼䐼✼⇶䑀皻㛖욼ꓩ〚镫ꮴ敳㨿⧣膾醙젹䭂�隚㘍뤫๑럄凁浽莏愌犙⚟㕢⍗ᭉꄄ劘먌遄嘈뇁䏕귵靠ᄍ갴㾹✅ⳬ䵑«ﹳ�䷷禥㾁▌窾㛚综팠秲泖⠦鴓ᆪ㩘罛쾍�戡瀱沃堾쁶퍾쾭ⶪ則㭘䨡仑เ鲦름摪战飩훣僫ᡦꆦ洿栐尙슿쐘큊⌴감�䦓蚎丁赲질䱬该˚菒偏惗♔ී켸玻鰥맨뷔⼧㪿勋乏ネ⟃狻璻즦៩Pꗇꁡ쭼绠癋꧋愲䡷ﰍ�姭Нᛉᒟ킵掕燈蹖䛼웃퇩˷亾ば�蹁化䚋�㍺뿹픊실눐͏
Post by Ald hospan suppressed by Phletgrvnerto.
Very good 👍
10 days off. Thanks god we're back again.