Region: Nova Britannia Prima
Well Corsiantian Scientists have used this on a certain infected corpse and infected fish found near Achias.
It turns out that extremely cold temperatures does in fact kill Pyrovirus at over -18°C if sustained for 60 hours straight.
This is a very good way of clearing Pyrovirus from infected fish and many environments seen to have been making a swift recovery.
However the human body temperature has to be maintained at 37.7°C at a consistent rate
Due to the body heat of a human and fish the virus can sustain itself and will live on in a patients body if it maintains that temperature.
Freezing somebody to the temperature of a typical Freezer for over 60 hours and getting there body temperature low enough to kill the virus will also kill the infected person.
Thus a vaccine will be needed to cure anyone infected with the human strain, which my current estimates reach as high as 180,000 across the world which is mainly in Achias due to being ground zero for PyroVirus.
We are currently working on a vaccine, however the good news is that fishing markets in colder waters has officially been proven safe by Tubrita scientists and my fishing industry can finally recover after a year since Pryovirus.