by Max Barry

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Region: Africa

By Decree 4 of Premier Jeff Frimpong four new autonomous regions have been created.

Premier Jeff Frimpong has signed an executive order called , National Identity Act which has implemented the following changes;
1.The country will now be known as the People's Republic Of Gavierland
2.The position of premier will be renamed president while the title itself will be given to the vice premier.
3.Symbols of the Communist Party will be displayed across settlements in newly created autonomous regions.
4.Gavierian English will be relegated from an official language to that of a traditional language
5.A law known as the 'National Patriotic Study Law' will be introduced into all four Special Administrative Districts which will teach students of their history with heavy emphasis on promotion of patriotism and connection of their culture to the mainland.
6.The Asante Twi language will now pronounce and write twi names for countries which will be adopted nationally.
7.Endangered cultures will be protected and revitalized.

Trideset prvi hercegovka krajisnici, Afars and the issas, and Vendera
