by Max Barry

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The Most Advanced Defense Forces in The North Pacific

Nations ranked highly spend the most on national defense, and are most secure against foreign aggression.

As a region, The North Pacific is ranked 5,909th in the world for Most Advanced Defense Forces.

NationWA CategoryMotto
5,751.The Communist Republic of Alanda and AlsandoInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Communist. Friendship. Stay Together”
5,752.The United Kingdom of TeiciaCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“We Will Endure”
5,753.The Empire of 2201Civil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“One gun one nation”
5,754.The Torched Custard Dessert of Creme BruleeRight-wing Utopia Utopia“Crème brûlée: A gentleman's dessert”
5,755.The Allied States of Lakes and StraitsFree-Market Paradise Paradise“Live righteously and die free.”
5,756.The Democratic Republic of QuoentaInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Live Free; Die Happy”
5,757.The Commonwealth of InunavutInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Justice, Piety, Loyalty”
5,758.The Holy Empire of AliqPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Round and round”
5,759.The Democratic Republic of EreenaScandinavian Liberal Paradise Gay Marriage State“Strong democracy, strong people”
5,760.The United Kingdom of DiafPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Fallen”
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