by Max Barry

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The Safest in Rushmore

World Census agents tested the sharpness of household objects, the softness of children's play equipment, and the survival rate of people taking late walks to determine how safe each nation is to visit.

As a region, Rushmore is ranked 8,360th in the world for Safest.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Imperial Commonwealth of Eastfield LodgeDemocratic Socialists Hell“Manducate pisces fragemanaque solani tuberosi!”
2.The United Kingdom of ValladaresAuthoritarian Democracy Slightly Oppressive But A Little Discipline Never Hurt Anyone State“God, Freedom, and Unity”
3.The Metallic Brotherhood of TikariotDemocratic Socialists Hell“100% Tik, 0 Tok!”
4.The Socialist Federation of BaruniaLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“Boldly on Her Mighty Wings She Soars”
5.The Gold and Silver Alloy of ElectrumLeft-Leaning College State Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites“We Kick Butt”
6.The Democratic Republic of Center IcelandDemocratic Socialists Hell“Cui multum datum, multum quaeretur”
7.The Prosaic Union of GnejsLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Quantum Satis”
8.The Republic of DarmenIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Generosity, Humility, Loyalty.”
9.The Constitutional Monarchy of NethertopiaNew York Times Democracy New York Crimes So-Called Democracy“Sustinebimus solidarietati.”
10.The Principality of Ostrovja DocuvnijaLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Savsećañi, slobodi, spocão”
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