by Max Barry

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The Most Inclusive in Nova Britannia Prima

WA analysts ranked nations based on whether all citizens were commonly treated as equally valuable members of society.

As a region, Nova Britannia Prima is ranked 2,217th in the world for Most Inclusive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Third New Turkey Regime of DeneenDemocratic Socialists Hell“Deneen is a nation that would help its greatest enemy.”
2.The Federal republic of TubritaLeft-Leaning College State Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites“Hippity hoppity get off my property”
3.The Siberian Democratic States of UberioCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“United Through War, Yet Standing through Peace.”
4.The Constitutional Monarchy of AchiasDemocratic Socialists Hell“The World is Dying”
5.The United Kingdom of AbbatonLeft-Leaning College State Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites“Long live the King, the nation and the people”
6.The Republic of Greater DeutscheDemocratic Socialists Hell“Stärke hinein Einheit! [Strength In Unity]”
7.The Republic of English-UnionDemocratic Socialists Hell“To Unify all Anglo nations”
8.The Oppressed Peoples of HfjTWONew York Times Democracy New York Crimes So-Called Democracy“Do you know how much suffering you’ve caused me?!”
9.The Empire of Solarballs killerPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“SOLARBALL WILL BE NO MORE!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!”
10.The People's Republic of Communism is superiorIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Принеси мне чертовой водки”