by Max Barry

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The Largest Welfare Programs in Libertarian Alliance

Governments ranked highly spend the most on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

As a region, Libertarian Alliance is ranked 25,759th in the world for Largest Welfare Programs.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Commonwealth of Blue Moon RiverCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“Might Makes Right”
2.The Free State of LibertanidoniaCompulsory Consumerist State Aspirational Worker State“In the name of the State, Freedom and Prosperity!”
3.The Republic of Libertarian AllianceInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Live Free”
4.The Free State of LibertyCorporate Bordello Patriotic Business Zone“Liberty or death!”
5.The Republic of MiseslandCorporate Bordello Patriotic Business Zone“Laissez-Faire”
6.The Federal Republic of Liberland GermaniaLeft-Leaning College State Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites“Dein Leben, Deine Wahl”
7.The Panarchy of MinarchystanNew York Times Democracy New York Crimes So-Called Democracy“Minimum of state is maximum of freedom.”
8.The Association of Kingdom of NosterFather Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“We are Free Individuals”
9.The Free State of LibertariansAnarchy Lawless Wasteland“Am I being detained?”
10.The Republic of SnakeistanAnarchy Lawless Wasteland“But what if the child consents?”