by Max Barry

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The Largest Publishing Industry in Christians

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

As a region, Christians is ranked 7,783rd in the world for Largest Publishing Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Borderlands of Giant RedwoodsDemocratic Socialists Hell“A child of Amber may walk among them, and such was my h”
2.The Apostolic Commonwealth of New LuciannovaCapitalist Paradise Decent Hardworking Self-Starters“Ad maiorem Dei gloriam”
3.The Bundesreich of CanamnInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Nur Ideen können die Dunkelheit erhellen”
4.The Angelic League of ColmisNew York Times Democracy New York Crimes So-Called Democracy“There will be no darkness”
5.The Federal dictatorship of AURELIANA BRITOIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“We fight a eternal war”
6.The Federal Republic of BresinniaLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“For God, For the fatherland, For peace and prosperity!”
7.The Holy Empire of The united american-isreali empireCapitalist Paradise Decent Hardworking Self-Starters“Fighting the good fight”
8.The Aontas Ceilteach of Eire Agus AlbionCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“Celiteach go Braugh”
9.The Grand Confederation of PryskivaCorrupt Dictatorship Corrupt Liberal Dictatorship“In sancta luce vigemus.”
10.The Empire of Island of catlandCorrupt Dictatorship Corrupt Liberal Dictatorship“Through God we live”
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