by Max Barry

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The Most Devout in Brest Oblast

World Census Inquisitors conducted rigorous one-on-one interviews probing the depth of citizens' beliefs in order to determine which nations were the most devout.

As a region, Brest Oblast is ranked 10,949th in the world for Most Devout.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rogue Nation of MSN86Corrupt Dictatorship Corrupt Liberal Dictatorship“1977”
2.The United States of Factory Worker 174Capitalist Paradise Decent Hardworking Self-Starters“CARD FARMING STARTED”
3.The United States of Factory Worker 119Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“FINDING LEGENDARIES ~~AND S3~~”
4.The Republic of Factory Worker 58Moralistic Democracy Ordinary Decent Hardworking People“Worker for the Factory”
5.The Federal Republic of Factory Worker 290Conservative Democracy Conservative Paradise“WATCH IT FLY BY AS IT PORTS TO PC”
6.The Republic of Factory Worker 17Father Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“Worker for the Factory”
7.The Empire of Factory Worker 200Corporate Police State Entrepreneurial Freedom Zone“COMMON SUCCESSFULLY JUNKED”
8.The Republic of Factory Worker 27Iron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Worker for the Factory”
9.The Republic of Factory Worker 3Iron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Worker for the Factory”
10.The Empire of Factory Worker 139Moralistic Democracy Ordinary Decent Hardworking People“HIGH-VALUE FOUND”
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