by Max Barry

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The Most Pacifist in Ancient Lands

Nations ranked highly pursue diplomatic solutions rather than military ones in the international arena, have small or nonexistent militaries, and peace-loving citizens.

As a region, Ancient Lands is ranked 19,324th in the world for Most Pacifist.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Sovereign State of LavuistuviaInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Who actually reads these?”
2.The Kingdom of TeoriDemocratic Socialists Hell“Honour, reputation, and glory!”
3.The Queendom of CountardPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Strength In Freedom”
4.The State of ShuwardataPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“We Will Endure”
5.The State of LatchfordanPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“You Can't Stop Progress”
6.The Queendom of FyrtarnCapitalist Paradise Decent Hardworking Self-Starters“Might Makes Right”
7.The State of August DayPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Party”
8.The State of AsupPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Peace and Justice”
9.The State of Al ShaheedPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Might Makes Right”
10.The State of Oath of StyxAuthoritarian Democracy Slightly Oppressive But A Little Discipline Never Hurt Anyone State“By Order of Zeus”
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