by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Conservative in the World

Citizens in nations ranked highly tend to have greater restrictions placed on what they may do in their personal lives, whether via community values or government-imposed law.

NationWA CategoryMotto
11.The State of NDMoralistic Democracy Ordinary Decent Hardworking People“Very Good”
12.The Self-Indulgent Narcissism of George WickhamPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“In Search of Money”
13.The Constant Burning of UrinaryTractInfectionPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“It burns.”
14.The Only Thing There Is to Fear of Fear ItselfPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“All is well.”
15.The Xab of XibIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Reuse!”
16.The Commonwealth of UmberhulkPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“KILL!”
17.The Republic of HyosungPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Secret”
18.The Weirding ways of Shadow and RagePsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“We move in mysterious ways.”
19.The Wolf Pack of WolfieIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Bork Bork”
20.The Oppressed Peoples of Wandering JewIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“See: JEWS IN SPACE!”
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