by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Devout in the World

World Census Inquisitors conducted rigorous one-on-one interviews probing the depth of citizens' beliefs in order to determine which nations were the most devout.

NationWA CategoryMotto
337,821.The Sentai Team of PR Dino ThunderPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Dino Thunder, power up!”
337,822.The Sentai Team of PR Dino ChargeIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Energize! Unleash the power!”
337,823.The Republic of RSCA245Inoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Vires In Numeris”
337,824.The Sentai Team of PR TommyIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“It's morphin' time!”
337,825.The Liberated People of Tharist FonLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“Corruption is fed by complacency.”
337,826.The Valley Isle of MoweyFather Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“Alicja Kwade”
337,827.The Protectorate of RSCA Privateer 44Moralistic Democracy Ordinary Decent Hardworking People“Vires In Numeris”
337,828.The Elefriends of South NewlandiaLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Have an elephantastic day!”
337,829.The Imperial Federation of The Pacific RingFather Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“Freedom is only achievable through loyalty.”
337,830.The Grace and Precision of Maple 76Democratic Socialists Hell“Lucabaduka”
«12. . .33,78033,78133,78233,78333,78433,78533,786. . .34,59734,598»