by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Welfare Programs in the World

Governments ranked highly spend the most on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
41.The Most Serene Jarldom of United Provinces of AtlanticaLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“ᛂᚵ ᛋᛐᛆᚿᛑᛆ - ég Standa”
42.The Community Wealth of Utopian ArchiveDemocratic Socialists Hell“Better to light a candle than curse the darkness”
43.The Constitutional Monarchy of RushkavilleDemocratic Socialists Hell“Generic Motto That Will Always Mean Nothing”
44.The Free Land of NostovyaLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Laugh hard, it's a long ways to the bank.”
45.The Fielzão of TimaoCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“Timão Eô!”
46.The CosmopolitanState of The IGER CivilizationLiberal Democratic Socialists Ivory Tower Reality Disconnect Zone“For the Greater Good of all Lifeforms.”
47.The European Union of Slavonia and SrijemScandinavian Liberal Paradise Gay Marriage State“Bolje ispast glup nego iz aviona”
48.The Breslov-Akko Dynasty of Democratic Communist FederationLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“Free speech is speech which frees the dominated!”
49.The Republic of Hurricane KvotheInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“Motto”
50.The Extremely Oppressed Peoples of G3N13Corrupt Dictatorship Corrupt Liberal Dictatorship“What belongs to you, belongs to me”
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