by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Welfare Programs in the World

Governments ranked highly spend the most on social welfare programs. Nations ranked low tend to have weak or non-existent government welfare.

NationWA CategoryMotto
309,981.The Most Serene Republic of NagaredInoffensive Centrist Democracy Communists“We Will Endure”
309,982.The Blue Tunglanese Republic of TransselaniaIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Transselania for the Tunglanese!”
309,983.The Republic of CSBs Colour-000063Father Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“Colours Bring Our World to Life!”
309,984.The Republic of CSBs Colour-000075Authoritarian Democracy Slightly Oppressive But A Little Discipline Never Hurt Anyone State“Colours Bring Our World to Life!”
309,985.The Republic of Aberdour-Compulsory Consumerist State Aspirational Worker State“Nemo Me Impune Lacessit”
309,986.The Queendom of Virginia 7Iron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Justice and Freedom”
309,987.The República Popular Anarquista of Honduras-VCM Soviet Socialist RepublicCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“Libre, Soberana e Independiente.”
309,988.The Republic of Da Concord nationFather Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“Concord”
309,989.The Republic of Fun Storage 19Psychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Mission Accomplished”
309,990.The Republic of CSBs Colour-000097Authoritarian Democracy Slightly Oppressive But A Little Discipline Never Hurt Anyone State“Colours Bring Our World to Life!”
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