by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Mining Sector in the World

World Census experts measured the volume of stuff removed from the ground to determine which nations have the largest mining industries.

NationWA CategoryMotto
21.The Supreme Dictatorship of The Iron LeagueIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“If you aren't remembered, you never existed”
22.The Dominion of Complete BastardsIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“We don't want the world, we just want your half.”
23.The Dominion of TeufelvolkCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“Fight to the death!”
24.The Apocalypse of GeodesicDragonIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Glory to the Apocalypse!”
25.The Empire of VeremurIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Strength Through Discipline”
26.The Morally Questionable People of FlibblersPsychotic Dictatorship Communist Dictatorship“Flibble”
27.The Mafian Economic Republic of The Dark SystemCapitalist Paradise Decent Hardworking Self-Starters“Money, Power, Respect!”
28.The Holiest Flavor of ABU AMMARFather Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“EIEIEIEIEIEEIEIEIEIEIIEIEIEIEIEIIEIEEIEI”
29.The Obesotocracy of TreadwelliaIron Fist Consumerists Champions of Commerce“Mmph mmph!”
30.The Brennanndi Ríki of MuspellheimCorporate Police State Entrepreneurial Freedom Zone“Scandinavia the everlasting”
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