by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector in the World

World Census analysts extensively tested concept muscle cars in empty parking lots in order to estimate which nations have the largest auto industries.

NationWA CategoryMotto
340,721.The Kingdom of CalagobieCorrupt Dictatorship Corrupt Liberal Dictatorship“Wheat or war”
340,722.The Invasion Force of Dragon StormDemocratic Socialists Hell“Saving the planet, one cluster-nuke at a time.”
340,723.The United Socialist States of New CaropocsLeft-wing Utopia Drugged-Out Hippies“For the Advancement of the Human Race”
340,724.The Holy Eye Nation of DenamonDemocratic Socialists Hell“Ad Idem Ad Infinitum In Memoriam Cor Unum Vi et Armis”
340,725.The Federal Union of Catanian StatesLeft-Leaning College State Deluded Tax and Spend Hypocrites“Rule, Catania!”
340,726.The Republic of JospintScandinavian Liberal Paradise Gay Marriage State“The answer is 42”
340,727.The Chill Zone of BoszapFather Knows Best State Suspiciously Liberal Dictatorship“I want to eat a Hamburger”
340,728.The Free Land of AntipathiaCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“To each, Their own”
340,729.The United Commonwealth of WiseaDemocratic Socialists Hell“Freedom and justice, in heaven and on earth”
340,730.The Community of SlothlandiaCivil Rights Lovefest Nation-Hating Hippies“Live Slow, Die Whenever”
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