by Max Barry

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«12. . .121122123124125126127. . .137138»

The Corsiantia wrote:Phone conversation recording under investigation... Ministry of Agriculture office, Milwaukee, 3rd of March 1930

Property of Ministry of Homeland Security and Imperial Investigation Bureau.

Charles: Hello, Hello?

MoA: Hello?

Charles: Oh thank god!

MoA: Sir we are about to close for the night and...

Charles: Wait! It's and emergency!

MoA: Ok, what's you name sir?

Charles: This is Charles Schrader, from just outside Lexington Nebraska, can anyone hear me!

MoA: This is the Ministry of Agriculture how may we help you?

Charles: Well we got a big problem over here, no one really here knows what to do, the local sheriff told me to call you since the Territorial Police aren't picking up and no other people are picking up!

MoA: Where's the Sheriff can you get him on the line?

Charles: He's gone out to look for more people.

(Charles frantic breathing)

MoA: Okay okay, slow down what's wrong?

Charles: We had a huge storm over here and now there's dust everywhere!

MoA: Dust?

Charles: At least a feet of the stuff, it's like a sandstorm outside!

MoA: A Dust storm in Nebraska? We have lost all communications anywhere south of Iowa from what we thought was a thunderstorm, are there any people still outside?

Charles: Yes theres like 60 people in the town we can't find and 30 people with us, you can't even see an inch in front of you!

(Charles begins to break down)

Charles: Frank and his wife just walked into the storm and now are gone, they were right behind us!

You can't shout or talk over the wind and they could be walking down to Ashwood Donner for F***s sake!

MoA: Sir Sir, are you in a safe place.

Charles: Yeah we are gathered in the town hall.

MoA: And what of the Town and surrounding area?

Charles: All gone, the dust is up to our knees, no plant or animal can survive that, there's 50mph winds so they probably can't breath either!

Charles: Please send help, there's people out there lost in the storm, we got enough food to last us maybe a week but with more townfolk coming in by the hour I don't know how long we'll last.

MoA: Right, barricade the windows and any doors.

Charles: Yes we already... wait no Mary don't open the Do-

(Massive gusts of winds block out any noises that can be heard)

Mary: I can't see! Get in the other ro-

Line cuts.

MoA: Charles, Charles respond!

End of recording

Mary had one job🤦‍♂️

Deneen wrote:Mary had one job🤦‍♂️

ooc/ I was hoping anyone got the reference for Charles last name.

The Corsiantia wrote:ooc/ I was hoping anyone got the reference for Charles last name.

What is it from?

Achias wrote:What is it from?

Can you guess, His last name is Schrader remember...

The Corsiantia wrote:Can you guess, His last name is Schrader remember...

All I can think of is Henry Stickmin

Achias wrote:All I can think of is Henry Stickmin

Oh wow that's a call back I have those games.

No it's a breaking Bad reference.

However I gotta make a Tophat Clan reference or something.

Deneen wrote:Mary had one job🤦‍♂️


(I should have changed Mary to Marie damn it)

The Corsiantia wrote:MARY YOU HAD ONE JOB!

(I should have changed Mary to Marie damn it)

Maybe marie should've... treaded more lightly...

Ashwood Donner wrote:The majority of our land is desert! A dust storm is not out the blue, nor is it the worst thing that's every happened to us.
I also didn't ask. If you're struggling with dust so much, consider that it's a you problem.

You have some fertile parts at least, still it will effect both mine and your economy.

Uberio wrote:Maybe marie should've... treaded more lightly...

"I don't know who you are, I don't who I'm talking to."


The Corsiantia wrote:You have some fertile parts at least, still it will effect both mine and your economy.

Our major agricultural outputs are too far north and west to really be an issue. How about you stop acting like an expert on our land and calling hits on our economy. Bother with your own.

Ashwood Donner wrote:Our major agricultural outputs are too far north and west to really be an issue. How about you stop acting like an expert on our land and calling hits on our economy. Bother with your own.

Alright I will steamboy, I was actually going to help any of your people get to safety if they were trapped but I guess if you think Father Time wanted innocent women and Children to die horrifically then I guess you Ashwood Donner must stand back and watch.

The Corsiantia wrote:Alright I will steamboy, I was actually going to help any of your people get to safety if they were trapped but I guess if you think Father Time wanted innocent women and Children to die horrifically then I guess you Ashwood Donner must stand back and watch.

I did not say that we were doing nothing to help our people. What I want you to do is stop acting as though you have any sort of authority over our situation. To each his own! Don't you have your own folk to look after? What of them? The time you spend yammering at me is doing them no favors, and as such it is in the best interest for both of us that you quit your palavering about our economy and see to your people.

Post self-deleted by Deneen.

The Corsiantia wrote:Alright I will steamboy, I was actually going to help any of your people get to safety if they were trapped but I guess if you think Father Time wanted innocent women and Children to die horrifically then I guess you Ashwood Donner must stand back and watch.

Ashwood Donner wrote:I did not say that we were doing nothing to help our people. What I want you to do is stop acting as though you have any sort of authority over our situation. To each his own! Don't you have your own folk to look after? What of them? The time you spend yammering at me is doing them no favors, and as such it is in the best interest for both of us that you quit your palavering about our economy and see to your people.


Ashwood Donner wrote:I did not say that we were doing nothing to help our people. What I want you to do is stop acting as though you have any sort of authority over our situation. To each his own! Don't you have your own folk to look after? What of them? The time you spend yammering at me is doing them no favors, and as such it is in the best interest for both of us that you quit your palavering about our economy and see to your people.

Yeah I do have my people to look after, however a bunch of Ashwood Donner refugees crossed the border to get to one of our towns and are currently in my country.

I thought maybe we could work together to help those in need and those trapped, mutual benefit and coordination could save people.

Maybe I thought too highly of Ashwood Donner, if you are so isolationist and so stirred up in your beliefs that you don't even discuss any form of coordination in dealing with this crisis at the expense of both your own countrymen as well as mine, this says a lot.

We can't even get into the storm until they subside anyway because the dust ruines the engines of both any car, plane or train that I send in there.

I've gathered the National Guard in Iowa and they are waiting until the storm dies down so they can help people.

I am doing something, however you telling a neighbour attempting a genuine act of good will to go piss off is really is something isn't it.

Good luck Ashwood Donner, whenever a time of crisis befalls your people that causes countless deaths and desperation.

I will sit back and watch as your people die knowing that you and I could have always asked for help and mutual cooperation with a willing neighbour and in that time of great need I will refuse as you refused to help your fellow man right now.

Good luck in what direction you take Ashwood Donner even at the cost of your own people, such a noble cause.

The Corsiantia wrote:Yeah I do have my people to look after, however a bunch of Ashwood Donner refugees crossed the border to get to one of our towns and are currently in my country.

I thought maybe we could work together to help those in need and those trapped, mutual benefit and coordination could save people.

Maybe I thought too highly of Ashwood Donner, if you are so isolationist and so stirred up in your beliefs that you don't even discuss any form of coordination in dealing with this crisis at the expense of both your own countrymen as well as mine, this says a lot.

We can't even get into the storm until they subside anyway because the dust ruines the engines of both any car, plane or train that I send in there.

I've gathered the National Guard in Iowa and they are waiting until the storm dies down so they can help people.

I am doing something, however you telling a neighbour attempting a genuine act of good will to go piss off is really is something isn't it.

Good luck Ashwood Donner, whenever a time of crisis befalls your people that causes countless deaths and desperation.

I will sit back and watch as your people shrivel up and die knowing that you could have always asked for help and mutual cooperation with a willing neighbour and in that time of great need I will refuse as you refused to help your fellow man.

"Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself."

I guess we are going in the opposite of this, good luck in what direction you take Ashwood Donner even at the cost of your own people, such a noble cause.

It is fine with us. We will see to our folk by our own policy in traditional way. Would you not place a dust-mask over a horse's head and let him go stamping along while your vehicles rust on the roadside? Would you not build windmills to harness the breezes for drawing groundwater to satisfy the needs of towns?
The desert is a far different place than what you call home. Perhaps it would pay for you to put on cowboy clothes and wander the West? Let yourself sit in the parching heat of the Utah and Arizona sands. Let yourself crawl from the Mojave red with the wind-whipped earth of that place. Satisfy your thirst in the Salt Lake. Dust is trivial, when you have choked on sand.
But be desperate! Cry to your god to save you! Ours has laid a path for us, and it is in our nature to adapt and abide. Go on and gnash your teeth, and boast of your knightly good nature. We will get along just fine, like we always have.

Ashwood Donner wrote:It is fine with us. We will see to our folk by our own policy in traditional way. Would you not place a dust-mask over a horse's head and let him go stamping along while your vehicles rust on the roadside? Would you not build windmills to harness the breezes for drawing groundwater to satisfy the needs of towns?
The desert is a far different place than what you call home. Perhaps it would pay for you to put on cowboy clothes and wander the West? Let yourself sit in the parching heat of the Utah and Arizona sands. Let yourself crawl from the Mojave red with the wind-whipped earth of that place. Satisfy your thirst in the Salt Lake. Dust is trivial, when you have choked on sand.
But be desperate! Cry to your god to save you! Ours has laid a path for us, and it is in our nature to adapt and abide. Go on and gnash your teeth, and boast of your knightly good nature. We will get along just fine, like we always have.


Ashwood Donner wrote:It is fine with us. We will see to our folk by our own policy in traditional way. Would you not place a dust-mask over a horse's head and let him go stamping along while your vehicles rust on the roadside? Would you not build windmills to harness the breezes for drawing groundwater to satisfy the needs of towns?
The desert is a far different place than what you call home. Perhaps it would pay for you to put on cowboy clothes and wander the West? Let yourself sit in the parching heat of the Utah and Arizona sands. Let yourself crawl from the Mojave red with the wind-whipped earth of that place. Satisfy your thirst in the Salt Lake. Dust is trivial, when you have choked on sand.
But be desperate! Cry to your god to save you! Ours has laid a path for us, and it is in our nature to adapt and abide. Go on and gnash your teeth, and boast of your knightly good nature. We will get along just fine, like we always have.

A dust storm is different when you are one of the world's biggest producers of food and you have hundreds of millions of mouths to feed and it's in an area that is actually worth keeping and not an scorched desert where those are common.

You can prance around in the desert and talk about Cowboys all you want.

I'm not bragging about the Cowboys of Wyoming's and Montana.
If you want to brag about your nations desolation and harshness then go ahead.

I'm sure I could say the same about the Canadian Arctic and the endless stretch up north, you are bragging about hardship and all while not improving on the lives of your citizens like I have done for mine and turned a country destroyed by the collapse of the USA to one of the most developed countries in the world.

I'm sure the Ashwood Donner leadership is not a cattle rancher in the Sierra Nevada, you are probably just like the rest of us leaders, living at the tip of the pyramid.

My people don't complain of the harsh winters of the arctic, they just get over it like you are telling me.

However a regular climate is different to a natural disaster and they will complain if a once in a lifetime disaster happens to them like this dust bowl right now and have there homes and families destroyed.

If a Tsunami hits a nation, then are you just going to tell them to get over it because you have flooding all the time?

It's like if half of Donnerian California burnt down and destroyed your crops, would I say to you that it is the norm over here and you should get over massive fires as your people starve, that isn't something to brag about.

The Corsiantia wrote:A dust storm is different when you are one of the world's biggest producers of food and you have hundreds of millions of mouths to feed and it's in an area that is actually worth keeping and not an scorched desert where those are common.

You can prance around in the desert and talk about Cowboys all you want.

I'm not bragging about the Cowboys of Wyoming's and Montana.
If you want to brag about your nations desolation and harshness then go ahead.

I'm sure I could say the same about the Canadian Arctic and the endless stretch up north, you are bragging about hardship and all while not improving on the lives of your citizens like I have done for mine and turned a country destroyed by the collapse of the USA to one of the most developed countries in the world.

I'm sure the Ashwood Donner leadership is not a cattle rancher in the Sierra Nevada, you are probably just like the rest of us leaders, living at the tip of the pyramid.

My people don't complain of the harsh winters of the arctic, they just get over it like you are telling me.

However a regular climate is different to a natural disaster and they will complain if a once in a lifetime disaster happens to them like this dust bowl right now and have there homes and families destroyed.

If a Tsunami hits a nation, then are you just going to tell them to get over it because you have flooding all the time?

It's like if half of Donnerian California burnt down and destroyed your crops, would I say to you that it is the norm over here and you should get over massive fires as your people starve, that isn't something to brag about.

If you are so developed and high and mighty, then why, pray tell, do you and I stand as equals as leaders? I talk about the harshness of the desert and the suffering of it, because that was my life once. Do you think I was born with the silver spoon in my mouth, that there were never days where I went hungry, with only ruined soil to eat? We, you and I, may be central to everything now, but there were days when we weren't. Never forget that.
Additionally, I never blamed your people for not being able to manage things. Surely, I would understand, the way occurrences like twisters rip across the land over to the East there, that there are things that can't be avoided. The only thing that can be done is to rebuild afterward and move on with life. Is love of a land so great that you would raise the walls of a home every time a twister knocks them down? That is the sacred existence. Love of a land is great enough that a family would return, and dig their home out of the dust, and repair the soil for planting again. People suffer. It's a given. And as a people, we Donnerians look out for each other. When the south burns, the north provides, and when the north burns, the south provides.
And please, the blame is childish. I would not act snobbishly if another place burned as we did. Nature runs its course. Some are simply just better at weathering it, is all.

I don’t want to read all this 😭. Y’all are so dedicated

Post self-deleted by Achias.

Post self-deleted by Achias.

Achias wrote:I don’t want to read all this 😭. Y’all are so dedicated

I suppressed the repeating messages.

Achias wrote:I don’t want to read all this 😭. Y’all are so dedicated

I ain't reading, all that! 🗣

In all seriousness though, please get along Ashwood and Corsi

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