by Max Barry

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Aiporhtse wrote:/ooc
Oops, forgot the disembowelment 🤔
Oh well, there's always next time

Oh..That's so..cute

Aiporhtse wrote:/ooc
Oops, forgot the disembowelment 🤔
Oh well, there's always next time

Im sure you can always squeeze it in! 😊

The Corsiantia wrote:We are doing great...

We have just ended an international crisis and replaced it with 2 others.

Fun!, can you tell me more¿

Season 4 cards are coming out soon

Chancellor Harold James attended a game between Rotterdam FC and new hamsterdam united and during halftime he went out onto the pitch to have a conversation with his old friend, and manager of Rotterdam Jimmy Mason a shot was fired from the crowd by a radical communist who happened to be at the game. After the shot the crowd swarmed him and beat him to death, the game was suspended and the chancellor is in the hospital.

Chancellor Harold James attended a game between Rotterdam FC and new hamsterdam united and during halftime he went out onto the pitch to have a conversation with his old friend, and manager of Rotterdam Jimmy Mason a shot was fired from the crowd by a radical communist who happened to be at the game. After the shot the crowd swarmed him and beat him to death, the game was suspended and the chancellor is in the hospital.

The president wishes the for chancellor’s speedy recovery

Achias wrote:Season 4 cards are coming out soon

Omg I'm finally going to have my own trading card!!!

Chancellor Harold James attended a game between Rotterdam FC and new hamsterdam united and during halftime he went out onto the pitch to have a conversation with his old friend, and manager of Rotterdam Jimmy Mason a shot was fired from the crowd by a radical communist who happened to be at the game. After the shot the crowd swarmed him and beat him to death, the game was suspended and the chancellor is in the hospital.

Wishing him well and sending Time's blessings for a speedy recovery.

The chancellor has returned to the nation today and has given an address to the nation in which he completely ignored the subject of the assassination attempt altogether and has elected to not alter his security plan.

Tubrita wrote:The chancellor has returned to the nation today and has given an address to the nation in which he completely ignored the subject of the assassination attempt altogether and has elected to not alter his security plan.

He reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt

French New Wake Island wrote:Fun!, can you tell me more¿

Well we had a regional war that multiple nations fought in.

Now we have a deadly disease spreading and now assassinations on heads of states have now begun.

Achias wrote:The Corsiantia, do you have any cases of Pyro 25?

We have found people showing symptoms of Pyrovirus in the Dakota Territory border.

They were immigrants from Australian Achias and had travelled through Ashwood Donner and they stayed there for two weeks after they arrived.

Thankfully they were caught, the Guards who interacted with them and all people who immigrated with them were quarantined just in case as well as two surrounding towns.

It is technically the first case in Corsiantia and thankfully it was successfully contained.

However Corsiantia is considering the closure of the Ashwood Donner border due to unknown and undocumented cases of Pyrovirus arriving in Ashwood Donner from Achias.

National Guard and Border Patrol troops located in the Ashwood Donner border have been supplied with Hazmat Gear including masks and decontamination spray.

Corsiantia is currently asking Achias for any means of identifying Pryovirus through testing rather than just symptoms as they reportedly vary from person to person.

Since the Treaty of Daşoguz was signed yesterday in Northern Turkmenistan by Sultan Aslan Bayrak and Communism is superior’s leader Alexi Gorgachav, signifying the end of the Turkmen War. Southern Turkmenistan will be signed off to New Turkey, and Northern Turkmenistan is rightfully signed to Communism is superior. Turkmen citizens are given the choice to whatever nation they want to join, and each side no longer has the right to any sort of attack unless stated otherwise by both leaders.

New Turkey and Communism is superior relations remain neutral, though some citizens are still distraught over the vain deaths of family and friends.

Causalities from New Turkey civilians round up to at least 700,000 people dead from all units.

This has become the most devastating war in New Turkey history to date since WW1. Aslan Bayrak has made the announcement that for their bravery and contribution in the Turkmen War, he has reversed policies made by his father Demir Bayrak limiting the opportunities and rights of the non-Turkish peoples. Though Konsey officials and the Bayrak family still continue the legacy of Sunni Islam, non-Turkish people have the right to their own beliefs and opinions, allowed to have jobs in Turkish fields, and aren’t forced to live in reserved ghettos for their ethnic origin.

All of these rights have been written by Aslan in a form of documents he will be starting as the DFL, or Deneenian Federal Law, listing the constitutional rights of every New Turkey citizen.

The term ‘Deneenian’ has been used since colonial times to describe natives and religious groups settling in the early British territory, and as a way to put the legacy of the Ottoman behind them, the state of New Turkey will be changed to the state of Deneen.

This is to show pride in the country we have made for ourselves over centuries, and to honor the sacrifices made during the Turkmen War.

Now free, non-Turkish people now more easily pledge themselves to the Sultan family, and are generally happier on their lands.

On a present note, Deneen this day on the Arabian Sea has caught schools of fish with ‘burn bruises’ on them. All lethargic and the tissues seemingly swelled, it is assumed the they are infected with the Pyrovirus.

More transmissible than originally thought, fish markets near the Persian Gulf have been closed out of fear of outbreaks. Though no cases have been confirmed near the coast, it is wondered how such a disease ended up in the Arabian waters.

Deneen wrote:Since the Treaty of Daşoguz was signed yesterday in Northern Turkmenistan by Sultan Aslan Bayrak and Communism is superior’s leader Alexi Gorgachav, signifying the end of the Turkmen War. Southern Turkmenistan will be signed off to New Turkey, and Northern Turkmenistan is rightfully signed to Communism is superior. Turkmen citizens are given the choice to whatever nation they want to join, and each side no longer has the right to any sort of attack unless stated otherwise by both leaders.

New Turkey and Communism is superior relations remain neutral, though some citizens are still distraught over the vain deaths of family and friends.

Causalities from New Turkey civilians round up to at least 700,000 people dead from all units.

This has become the most devastating war in New Turkey history to date since WW1. Aslan Bayrak has made the announcement that for their bravery and contribution in the Turkmen War, he has reversed policies made by his father Demir Bayrak limiting the opportunities and rights of the non-Turkish peoples. Though Konsey officials and the Bayrak family still continue the legacy of Sunni Islam, non-Turkish people have the right to their own beliefs and opinions, allowed to have jobs in Turkish fields, and aren’t forced to live in reserved ghettos for their ethnic origin.

All of these rights have been written by Aslan in a form of documents he will be starting as the DFL, or Deneenian Federal Law, listing the constitutional rights of every New Turkey citizen.

The term ‘Deneenian’ has been used since colonial times to describe natives and religious groups settling in the early British territory, and as a way to put the legacy of the Ottoman behind them, the state of New Turkey will be changed to the state of Deneen.

This is to show pride in the country we have made for ourselves over centuries, and to honor the sacrifices made during the Turkmen War.

Now free, non-Turkish people now more easily pledge themselves to the Sultan family, and are generally happier on their lands.

On a present note, Deneen this day on the Arabian Sea has caught schools of fish with ‘burn bruises’ on them. All lethargic and the tissues seemingly swelled, it is assumed the they are infected with the Pyrovirus.

More transmissible than originally thought, fish markets near the Persian Gulf have been closed out of fear of outbreaks. Though no cases have been confirmed near the coast, it is wondered how such a disease ended up in the Arabian waters.

Is this a possible origin for the PyroVirus?

That Pyrovirus is originally a disease that infected certain fish and was transmitted to humans?

What kind of fish were infected, because if it's the same as I and I have one of the largest fishing industries.

That could mean...

Oh ****

The Corsiantia wrote:Is this a possible origin for the PyroVirus?

That Pyrovirus is originally a disease that infected certain fish and was transmitted to humans?

What kind of fish were infected, because if it's the same as I and I have one of the largest fishing industries.

That could mean...

Oh ****

Oh fun. So do we. This is going to be greeaaaat.

Greater Deutsche wrote:Oh fun. So do we. This is going to be greeaaaat.


If it spreads to the Atlantic
fish... We could be in for a world of trouble.

Every person quarantined is currently under going interrogation and investigating their diets.

The Police has currently stopped all products of fish from being sold for the time being.

Hearing the news of the virus possibly being contaminated to fish, the states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Lower Saxony have begun testing their fish imports and exports, with no cases found yet.

The state of Schleswig-Holstein has not currently submitted its report yet, though it is due to come soon.

So far the northern populace has no worries of being infected, as all the cases are quite far away and are sure it won't reach them, leaving their ports still open.

The Corsiantia wrote:Is this a possible origin for the PyroVirus?

That Pyrovirus is originally a disease that infected certain fish and was transmitted to humans?

What kind of fish were infected, because if it's the same as I and I have one of the largest fishing industries.

That could mean...

Oh ****

The fish infected are common, multiple species it seems. It appears that Achias could have been infected by sea creatures, as the fish infected migrated towards the Indian and Arabian Sea due to colder weathers. There is also cases of sharks washing up in the Tigris and Euphrates river, which is horribly uncommon. The seafood industry may have to completely shut down in Deneen, for it seems for the season the marine life is deadly.

On the possibility of infecting others, it seems merely a matter of the Eastern Hemisphere, however, if the schools migrate east to the pacific, Ashwood Donner’s coast might be at risk.

// ooc Just got an issue about plagues 😭

Deneen wrote:The fish infected are common, multiple species it seems. It appears that Achias could have been infected by sea creatures, as the fish infected migrated towards the Indian and Arabian Sea due to colder weathers. There is also cases of sharks washing up in the Tigris and Euphrates river, which is horribly uncommon. The seafood industry may have to completely shut down in Deneen, for it seems for the season the marine life is deadly.

On the possibility of infecting others, it seems merely a matter of the Eastern Hemisphere, however, if the schools migrate east to the pacific, Ashwood Donner’s coast might be at risk.

Seems like a mass die off...

I've seized all shipping coming in and out of Achias.

Most of it coming from Achias Australia has been contained but i think the infection is a lot worse than they know down there.

Maybe this disease is a lot worse than we know.
I've recorded the first death in Corsiantia, a 45 year old woman originally from Achias attempting to emigrant to Corsiantia however she already had been in the later stages.

The National Health Service and the Ministry of Homeland security have seized her body for dissection to increase our knowledge of this new disease.
It's seems like Pyro is a very effective name, the symptoms of fever and inflammation and rash are very common.

The infected body temperature can get up to 41-44°C.

The Corsiantia wrote:Seems like a mass die off...

I've seized all shipping coming in and out of Achias.

Most of it coming from Achias Australia has been contained but i think the infection is a lot worse than they know down there.

Maybe this disease is a lot worse than we know.
I've recorded the first death in Corsiantia, a 45 year old woman originally from Achias attempting to emigrant to Corsiantia however she already had been in the later stages.

The National Health Service and the Ministry of Homeland security have seized her body for dissection to increase our knowledge of this new disease.
It's seems like Pyro is a very effective name, the symptoms of fever and inflammation and rash are very common.

The infected body temperature can get up to 41-44°C.

Deneen has encountered it’s first case. Panic ensues on the coast of the Persian Gulf as a common fisherman in the community collapses in the streets. He seemed to be bleeding from his rashes. Konsey police had to intervene as his wife and children tried to interact with him, dragging them away to prevent further exposure. It is assumed that the consumption of infected seafood caused his death.

Marine life has been taken in to be researched at Deneenian virology centers, showing how the virus kills its host. It reproduces through the cell, expands it, and once it’s finished eats the cells nutrients and oxygen to help preserve its DNA for longer periods of time, leading to the internal bleeding, inflammation, and lower oxygen in the blood. For now, Aslan Bayrak takes full initiative to research and fairly distribute the cure to all nations.

And for this cause asks to partner with all countries, despite past conflicts, to save lives. We formally request to work with Achias in this matter.

Deneen wrote:Deneen has encountered it’s first case. Panic ensues on the coast of the Persian Gulf as a common fisherman in the community collapses in the streets. He seemed to be bleeding from his rashes. Konsey police had to intervene as his wife and children tried to interact with him, dragging them away to prevent further exposure. It is assumed that the consumption of infected seafood caused his death.

Marine life has been taken in to be researched at Deneenian virology centers, showing how the virus kills its host. It reproduces through the cell, expands it, and once it’s finished eats the cells nutrients and oxygen to help preserve its DNA for longer periods of time, leading to the internal bleeding, inflammation, and lower oxygen in the blood. For now, Aslan Bayrak takes full initiative to research and fairly distribute the cure to all nations.

And for this cause asks to partner with all countries, despite past conflicts, to save lives. We formally request to work with Achias in this matter.

If a nation as close as Deneen has been infected, that puts Communism is superior, Potatunion, Uberio and I in danger...
The virus has spread almost all over the world. Testing should be done in every country to ensure the safety of citizens and the control and management of the virus before it expands into a lockdown-level pandemic.

Greater Deutsche wrote:Looks like Solarball and HfjTWO got to you two… truly Zidday 2.0…. Everyone else must keep themselves safe from this horrid infection…

racism btw

A Tubritan citizen living on the northern coast of Tubrita has the first recorded case of pyro25 in the nation’s history after eating fish possibly imported from Corsiantia. In some more positive news is that the Tubritan health organization has set up an isolated reaserch base has been set up in southern Tubrita to reaserch pyro25, we invite scientists from anywhere to try to find a vaccine.

Upon hearing the news of the infection reaching Tubrita, Greater Deutsche closes down all ports for imports and exports.

If the infection manages to spread in Tubrita, they will close down their borders and not let anyone in, in order to keep the infection out.

It is now mandatory for everyone living near the border to get checked for any of the symptoms, as scientists begin researching the virus. If they are found with any, they will be forced to go into quarantine.

For now, no cases have been found in Deutschean fish yet. Although, Scheswig-Holstein has still not submitted their fish testing report yet.

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