- 3
Security Partnership for Emergency Engagement and Defense Organization (rejected proposal/not in force)
- 2
Codex: Gakupo (Head) Heukchibun Sannatra of the Hyonwang Keisatserei (Spiritual Cleansing Department)
- 5
Best Solitas v1
- 2
Interdimensional Relations
- 1
Citizens Alliance
- 1
The allied states of Pikmin Approve of new Space Agency for SSG!
- 1
Codex: Tohku (General) Heukchibun Jeung-dohan - Officer General of the Anhui Hyoheigun (Immortal Guards) wip
- 1
No tempo das Oligarquias.
- 1
- 1
Green Party of Danary
- 2
The Karamanlis-Demirel Protocols | SEP '77
- 1
Butt Out PIA
- 1
Alliance with The Holy Prussin States
- 1
Alliance with The New Imperium Romanum
- 1
Varola's ICPJ Info
- 1
Scoblic's ICPJ Info
- 1
An Account of Diplomatic Resolution in the Southern Waters
- 1
2024 presidential election
- 1
Conservative Party
- 1
Democratic Party