by Max Barry

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Region: Kantrias

Zoygaria wrote:Excellent RP post! I can't wait to respond ^-^
While I'm speaking in OOC, I'll adress your final spoiler:
"That is a major miscalculation on part of Zoygarian admirals. True, usually Reborn Empire of Ulm respects the rules of engagement. Fight well and they may even let you go and fight another day. However, that does not apply in some cases, one of them being a situation when the enemy has already broken the rules of engagement and such is the case with Akaramo. Even worse, the target was civilian population and the very capital of Reborn Empire of Ulm. Akaramanos made a critical mistake: they made it personal. This is not your usual honorbound Reborn Empire of Ulm. They are not fighting for some cause or to expand their empire. They are here to take vengeance and set an example. Zoygarians can expect to be treated fairly well and if they get captured, the worst they will get is a glare. Akaramanos have no such luxury. Empire is fully set on giving them the very same treatment they gave Paradis. They might not have been barbarians before, but now they are blood crazed berserkers."

When I mentioned the burning of cities and slaughter of civilians, I was more referring to Zoygaria, not necessarily Akaramo. I'm not sure if I've ever really explained it before, but this is about Grand Admiral Saitori. Saitori is an old, grizzled war veteran, and not much shakes him. He has vowed to fight and die for his country, and as the head Admiral of the navy, has immense pressure and responsibility weighing down on him. He suffers from Survivor's Guilt, believing he should have perished along with so many of his men in past wars, but he did not.
Etzio is his city. He was born elsewhere, but has spent most of his life living in Etzio, the helm of the Oblivion Fleet and most important Zoygarian port. It's a beautiful and mesmerizing city, often called "The Golden City" or "Gem of the North." He is less concerned about what happens to him in battle, and more concerned about Etzio, and the people within it. In Saitori's eyes, were his fleet to fail and a city like Etzio to be burned and destroyed, death would not be suitable punishment for himself.

Plus, I would be really sad if my beautiful historical cities were burned ;(

Thanks :D

Very interesting character backstory, an opponent worthy of Schillinger. As mentioned in the RP post, Zoygaria is not the target of this campaign. Zoygarian colonies are being merely blockaded, not invaded for that reason. Aquilonnia was only attacked because of it's strategical importance as navy base. Possibility of attack on Zoygaria is very small. To be frank REU does not have resources to prolong the war. National industry was crippled after the terrorist attack and all that remains is devoted to restoration. Situation in UD is unclear and siege may happen. Army is running on stockpiles and whatever ARA has to offer. It will take a while before further colonies aid the mainland. If REU attempts it, it will most likely by a quick raid on shipyards or bombardment of air bases. Probability of Zoygarian civilian areas and sites of heritage being targeted is nearly zero. It won't happen unless someone places important military assets in the vicnity.

Zoygaria and Too-technical japan
